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Not doing well in quiz for chemistry?
« on: February 26, 2021, 05:26:38 pm »
Hey guys I am currently doing 3/4 chemistry and we just had a quiz today in class. Although that does not mean much, I think I messed up BIG TIME. Anyone can help me? For some reason I feel like I know everything, but for some reason did really bad. If I had to guess my score I think I would barely pass.  :(


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Re: Not doing well in quiz for chemistry?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 10:52:14 pm »
Hey Stormbreaker,

I know that it can be quite disheartening to feel as though you've underperformed on a test. The good thing about quizzes though is that by doing the practice, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can try to avoid making the same / similar mistakes during a SAC. Chemistry is a subject where understanding and applying the content is a key for success.

When going through your quiz and its solutions, it might be helpful to ask yourself:

- Why did you get questions wrong? (e.g. didn't know how to interpret the question / made a calculation error / didn't answer question with the right information, etc.).

- What concepts were those questions testing?

The goal here is to iron out and learn from your mistakes. You can use the textbook / your notes / research the internet / watch a YouTube video on the topic / ask your teacher / post questions in the VCE Chemistry Question Thread for help in order to improve your understanding of the concept(s) being tested.

Another thing to consider is your study strategies for chem. Testing yourself with practice questions (once you have learnt and understood the content) is useful. In fact, s110820 has created a Study Skills 101 post (linked here) that might have some ways of studying you can apply to chem.

Also, keeping a mistakes log can be super helpful (on the basis that you update and review it regularly). A way you could do this is to create a table including the questions you didn't receive full marks for, your answers, the suggested answers, and what you needed to include / do to achieve full marks.

Hope this helps and good luck with chem! :)
2021: VCE
2022: Science / Arts @ Monash