Yeah nah bro, I probs know more about VCE physics than this dude, I've gotten 100% for every SAC I've done this year and have been averaging 97 overall practice exams I've done so far. I know my stuff and I know my arguments are correct.
Also, did you even read my comment? Because I never said calculus was directly "applicable" to the current course, I'm saying it SHOULD be because it is necessary to comprehend calculus to do some of the questions. I'm making an argument, not an assertion about the nature of the course.
IDK why I am even bothering to waste my resources trying to reason, so I am leaving. bye.
MOD EDIT: I have fixed your spelling in this post (Capital letters/punctuation to make the post easier to read). Also, a friendly reminder to refrain from trying to start an argument. Your language in the original post violates the rules of respect on the forums, and further posts of this nature will result in consequences.
On a side note, a bit more revision on your conceptual understanding would be ideal to ensure you achieve 97% on the real exam!
(If this thread goes all over the place, it will be locked)
A) Ashmi is a girl and from memory did pretty well in VCE physics. Kinda meh to assume she is a guy just because she understands things better than you.
B) Dude...this website is filled with high achievers. Like...what happned to the other 3% dude? Getting 100% in physics is just...not as impressive as you may think. Obviously not everybody on here gets those grades but this is a safe place, free of judgement. Grades are not everything, they are not a measurment of intelligence nor are they something which should be held as verication that you are a superior person, also some people do things other than study, thats OK!
Honestly I would be more happy if you didn't reply and left your toxicity at the door, u r clearly abit too used to saying really...interesting (I mean stupid but its clear you have an ego) things and everyone just agreeing with you because they either don't get what ur saying(due to its ridiculousness) or don't want you to throw a tantrum. But that isn't going to work here, this isn't reddit. This is a fourm for students to come with actual questions and get answers and advice for anything pertaining to education in Australia.
You: " Because I never said calculus was directly "applicable" to the current course,"
Also you: " stuff like that requires knowledge of the chain rule "," that requires knowledge of integrational calculus", "requires knowledge of the instantaneous gradient at any given x point, aka the derivative. kids who dont know calculus are basically screwed"
Or in other words, why somebody needs calculus to do the course, which was wrong to begin with but these are your words. YOU are the one saying that calculus is vital to vce physics, and I assure you every VCAA assesor, examinor, 50 student, teacher, high achiever, would disagree with what your saying. Yes calculus is used in physics, but vce physics has not been designed like that.
"Because I never said calculus was directly "applicable" to the current course, I'm saying it SHOULD be because it is necessary to comprehend calculus to do some of the questions."
So essentially, you are saying calculus is directly appliable to the course...You can't say that calculus is neccesary to do the course, then say you are not saying that calculus is applicable to the course.
Anyway remember to thank the MOD for fixing ur spelling
...also don't be a douche, some of the kids here are crazy smart!
TLDR: This isn't reddit, do your best to grow as a student or gtfo, or at the very elast know what your saying and grades aren't everything ya cocky, entitled bastard.