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2021 Academic Reflections Thread
« on: October 24, 2021, 02:57:27 pm »
2021 has been another difficult year for many of us, but this year has no doubt seen many achievements, too.

In this thread, let's take some time to reflect. You can copy the code below to answer the questions/prompts, or you can just reflect more on things more freestyle. :) The more perspectives, the more we can learn!

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[b]How would you rate 2021 out of 10?[/b]

[b]What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2021?[/b]

[b]If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2021?[/b]

[b]If you had your time again, what would you change from 2021?[/b]

[b]What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2021?[/b]

[b]If you've had them, were your exams as expected? If not, what do you expect?[/b]

[b]What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2022?[/b]

[b]Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2021?[/b]

I also started a similar thread the last three years. You can find those here (2020, 2019, 2018) for inspiration. :)

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Re: 2021 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 11:03:06 am »
How would you rate 2021 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2021?
Topping my literature class with my final two (almost) perfect sacs was something I was really proud of.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2021?
I gave up on maths too early and then started really trying way too late. It wasn't until SWOTVAC that I started seriously learning spec and three weeks was not enough time. And then, even though the first exam went well I let myself get stressed and flustered right before the second one. I was not in a good headspace and then struggled to concentrate and do whatever I could. I honestly don't remember the entire first hour. I'd barely done a thing and suddenly there was only an hour left.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2021?
Not do spec. I knew I was doing to hate it but chose it anyway because my teachers and parents told me I could do it so I should do it. I love literature and really wish I chose to do english as well instead of doing a second maths.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2021?
When everyone came to school in uniforms from the neighboring boys school our year level coordinator showed up in a school dress. That was pretty funny.

If you've had them, were your exams as expected? If not, what do you expect?
All of them were exactly what I expected. Methods and spec (exam 1) were all easier than I thought they'd be, but spec exam 2 was probably harder than expected. It was awful but to be fair that is kind of what I had anticipated.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2022?
Pick subjects you enjoy and try not to lose that enjoyment and passion. Studying is far easier if you actually like what you're learning about.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2021?
Best parts: great job and working even during lockdown, staying with my cousin in her new place, camps and trips away when lockdown eased, finding amazing housemates for next year

Worst parts: drama at school, lockdown, my grandma getting sick, getting a concussion


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Re: 2021 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2021, 11:39:34 pm »
How would you rate 2021 out of 10?
6.5/10. There were good times and there were bad times– the good ultimately outweighed the bad, but the year could have been better.

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2021?
Receiving a 93.75 ATAR and 40s in four of my subjects. Also, ranking first in my class in English, and first in my cohort for Legal Studies.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2021?
Not studying for assessments earlier! And really all my times of procrastination that I could have prevented.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2021?
I'd communicate more with my teachers and friends, whether on calls or through emails. I'd also try to stay more consistent in my study habits without going down the cramming route!

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2022?
Go with the flow– I cannot stress this enough. If lockdowns have taught us anything it should be to expect the unexpected. This goes for events, bad days, bad grades, if you can learn to accept something and move past it and improve the next time, you've already succeeded. Don't let the little things stick you in a rut– try to stay flexible and work with what works.
Also, stay consistent. A little bit of studying, or a couple problems solved every day is better than cramming everything into your brain one or two days before an assessment. It is definitely a pain, and it seems easier to put things off, but you will thank yourself !!