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Author Topic: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio  (Read 7219 times)

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What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« on: October 27, 2021, 11:25:50 pm »
Hi I tried looking at vccaas graded distributions but they make no sense! It would be of great help if you can please explain to me wha score I need to a obtain a 26 in bio
Thank u so much ☺️


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2021, 09:57:35 pm »

So I managed to get a raw study score of 27 for Biology last year.

It's a combination of your internal grades (SAC assessments) and what you get on the exam.

For me, my averages were C for Unit 3 assessment, C+ for Unit 4 and C for the Exam.

As long as you are averaging around C and C+, I'm sure you'll get 26 or even higher!

Plus VCAA will take into consideration COVID this year as they did last year for assessing exams.

From the VCAA grade distributions last year to get a C, you would have needed to get from 121-145/ 240.

So since the Biology exam is out of 120, you'd need to get from around 60-72 out of 120 to get a C!

Good luck! Hope you get what you need, want and deserve! :)


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2021, 06:11:15 pm »
Firstly wow great job in your bio score
And Thanks so much for your help 😌 it’s a life saver 😅that makes so much sense I hope I got that I’ve tried so so hard
But I feel like as though I didn’t do that  too well so I’m pretty nervous for results
I also would love if you can give me some tips on the ATAR I want a 50 do you reckon it’s that hard to receive and when you receive It was seas already embedded  in it
Thank you again so so much!!! Best answer yet 😁


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2021, 09:21:00 pm »
Of course I can give you some ATAR information!

I'm still doing Year 12 myself as I did Biology early access but I can help you out!

Is there a certain university you want to go too? Many of them such as Monash and Deakin have their own ATAR and Study Score calculators you can play around to see where you might be heading based on estimated Study Scores! Don't do this though if you really think you're going to freak yourself out but it's good to know where you're potentially looking at for an ATAR!

I'm certain you'll be able to get a 50! Basically if you get your 26 in Biology and can manage to get a 30 in English and the rest of your subject's study scores ranging from 25-30 (35 if possible), you'll definitely get a 50!

In terms on what you receive for your ATAR:
- You'll get your VCE Results in an email from VASS Support and on your VTAC account under 'Results and Offers' 'View your 2021 results'
- In terms of Study Scores, you'll receive both your raw and scaled through VTAC (you'll see your primary aggregate and your two contributing 10% toward your ATAR)
- In terms of SEAS applications and other access schemes, universities are able to see the effect of SEAS in relation to your ATAR and can make you eligible for access schemes and special considerations. SEAS can also boost your own ATAR up by a few individual points however you won't be able to see this I don't think

I'm sure you'll manage to get a 50 ATAR but bear in mind, your internal assessments (SACs) and GAT score do contribute however not significantly toward your ATAR unless worse case scenario you cannot do an exam for a reason.

Yet again, I'm sure you'll get that 50 you deserve just keep working hard and do your best! It's all anyone, including VCAA, can ask for.


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2021, 11:28:10 pm »
Thanks so much for your help 😌 it’s been extremely helpful to finally hear some meaningful explanation 😅
Lol I want to get into Latrobe I hope they accepted me what uni would u like to get into ( if u don’t mind telling me and I hope you get into it 😁)
Yes lol I’ve still got hhd I did further English bio and psych
What subjects r u doing
Good luck with exams


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2021, 11:42:02 pm »
Sorry I also wanted to ask what score do u reckon I need for a 30 in health and human development thanks so much for your help  😁


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2021, 11:55:32 pm »
I really, really wanna get into Monash and specifically the Clayton campus! I just love all the stuff the campus has to offer including course and lifestyle wise (accommodation, clubs, access to facilities) etc.

I also did the Psychology exam and will be doing the HHD one with you on Tuesday! How did you feel about Psychology? I thought VCAA were for once in their lives nice to us for that one but that's just me personally!

I'm sure you'll get into La Trobe and if you don't, it isn't the end of the world! There are SO many pathways into getting into courses it might just take longer but you can get there! Some stuff is a bit harder though like medicine and law since it's so competitive but yet high in demand? Will never understand...

What's La Trobe got for you? Tell me everything!

Also for Health to get a 30, basically a 25 is the 'average'; that'd you done better than 50% of VCE students doing your said subject.
According to the grade distributions last year (mind you they change slightly each year and study score takes SAC grades into account), you're going to be looking at least getting a B or B+ on the exam to guarantee a 30 and above!

So, out of 200 for last year, you'd need to get from 95-127/200 to get a B-B+. Looking at 47.5-63.5% but MIND YOU THIS CHANGES EVERY YEAR!

Just some advice to succeed in Health; using specific terminology is your friend to gain marks from examiners and write responses as if it is a story/flowchart!
For example:
Poor malnutrition -> Compromised immune system -> Increase risk of communicable diseases such as cholera -> Increase rates of mortality + Decrease in life expectancy

Best of luck and please, feel free to ask anymore questions! :P


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2021, 10:05:30 am »
ooooo thats a really great campus its also got great facilities. oh I did psychology last year....I'm thrilled to hear that you took it great many others did think so too! hahahhaha r u looking at getting into a medicine course or related I'm hoping I can get into Latrobe psychological science....is something I've wanted to pursue since I was in year 7 and did a presentation on schizophrenia ::) lol  ;D
what study score r u looking at getting today?
did u get any offers yet from there from applying to monash guarantee
oh gosh I'm so nervous I feel like I need to get my head around the aid priorities and I'm good to go  ::)
thanks sooo much for ur help I have no idea how u calculate it but its extremely helpful  thanks to u now I have some sort of idea
thxxxxxxxx and GOOD LUCK :) :)


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2021, 07:02:58 pm »
Haven't heard anything so far from Monash but I fit a lot of the criteria for the Monash Guarantee itself.

I just really wanna go to Monash Clayton always have but if not Deakin is my second option.

I want to pursue a career in teaching at the moment and have wanted to for quite some time; I love to help people and want to continue doing so!

Looking to teach English as a Second Language, History and Science (debating on the major but looks like we're settling for Immunology or Zoology).

Fingers crossed you get into La Trobe! Praying for you!

I thought the Health exam today wasn't too bad except that question on Neglected Tropical Diseases? What in the hell was that?!

Also I felt the structure of the exam was different to past ones but that's just me!

Hoping you and I both smashed it with flying colours!

As study scores wise I've got my one from Biology so my 27.

Looking/praying/wanting these study scores:
English: 35+
History: 40+
Psychology: 35+
Health: 35+
Legal: anything above a 20 would be awesome

Glad I can help you and all the best! :)


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2021, 11:14:51 pm »
 Always nice hearing from you  :)
That’s great news!!! I’m sure you’ll get in and I’m praying that you do
Ooooo teaching I haven’t met anyone that would like to do that it sounds awesome!!! EXACTLY YOUR SUCH AN AMAZING HELPER  :)
Deakin is a nice choice too….but I’m sure you’ll get into Monash
Oh god I love zoology at one point last year I wanted to pursue it your subjects look great 👍

I hope I get in too!  :-\

Omg yessss NTDssssss no one had any idea I also was racing for time and for some reason my mind just would not group an answer for the human index and the dimensions and indicated it was like what 6 marks!!!
No it really was different now that you mention it I felt like there were many more marks worth 6
Oh well I’m glad it’s over  :D
Good luck on legal tomorrow  praying you get exactly what you want

I got a 25 for psych last year
I’m hoping I get a 25 for bio
A 20 for further maths
English 30-32
Health around 27-30
And achieve plus at 3.0
Anything that give me a 50 Atar😅



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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2021, 10:44:25 pm »
You are too sweet...

FINISHED LEGAL MY LAST EXAM I AM FREE! I'm assuming you've finished as well with Health?! WE LOVE THE TASTE OF FREEDOM!

Praying and hoping you get into La Trobe and get the ATAR you want! We've honestly have had such a shit year this year and have worked so hard hoping we all can achieve what we want.

And hey in the end 6 marks is just 6 marks you know? As long as you gave it a hot, red crack that's all they can realistically ask and expect from us.

Pre Legal Exam.... the exam was weird. Like the questions weren't anything anyone was expecting at all and the phrasing of some.... dear God. We'll see if the exam report uses my response as an example of a low-scoring response shall we? xoxo

Anyways, it's always wonderful to hear from you as well and always wishing you the best!


<3 Teagan


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Re: What mark do I need for a 26 study score in bio
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2021, 10:57:26 pm »
I too can't wait until I finished my final exam, which is 11th of November.