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Author Topic: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ  (Read 9460 times)

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˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« on: November 29, 2021, 10:28:37 pm »

psa: i tend to get a lil bit ranty, you have been warned

I'm Lin and this is (the disney channel) my attempt at keeping an online journal type thing to document my final year at school!!

final year of school? yep, still feels way too surreal, take me back to yr 7 pls.

I've been a frequent user of AN but I never actually made an account... well looks like I'm taking a leap of faith today and starting this journal, especially since *drum roll pls* I'm officially a Year Twelve student. (is it as dramatic as i'm making it out to be? idk, im just terrified.) Early commencement has started at my school and I have one week of laid back year 12 stuff before the pressure really hits next year.

why am i here, u ask?
The main reason I'm starting this is for motivation and also some accountability. I moved to my current high school in year 10 (yes, the scary 2020) very unwillingly and really struggled socially and academically. I moved from a selective high school to a normal school which meant all the content I learnt was a repeat and so I seriously Slacked Off in all my classes, online learning making it a whole lot easier to do so. Then year 11 rolled around and I was so ready to do well. I got off to a great start, term 1 was immaculate, term 2 was ok and then term 3 and 4 happened, along with it another lockdown. Lockdown sucked, full stop. I did the bare minimum in all my subjects, didn't actually study for anything but my 3/4 subject and was mentally wrecked. #giftedburntoutkidtingz #imalivebutimdead I did somehow pass all my subjects but I'm going to try my hardest to not do a repeat of that in year 12. With this journal, maybe I'll bully myself into being motivated and actually studying, it's what I'm hoping anyway!

subjects i do!!
I did 3/4 Biology this year and no, I will not be commenting on how I did. (jk i overshare, i did rlly well at the start of the year but my last 2 sacs sucked. the exams... i close my mind and pretend it did not happen)

In year 12, I'm doing:
• English ITS SO HARD FOR ME, I HATE IT HERE, forever cursing vcaa for making it compulsory sobs but i have been working super hard on improving, got a decent grade for my last sac in yr 11 so just going to practice, practice, practice next year
• Further Maths dropped out of spec and switching into this bc although yr 11 content wasnt bad, the teacher gave me literal panic attacks and i'd cry when i saw the class on my timetable... that man could not teach and then came at me for not knowing the content, make it make sense anyway i have been scarred for life, never going back
• Maths Methods got the same teacher i had this year which is AAAA bc she's so good and i love her sm, i'd give her my first born child mwah. the subject itself... i liked yr 11 but i've heard too many horror stories abt yr 12 methods to not be worried
• Chemistry scared asl bc its so hard but i have a good teacher and ive been revising yr 11 content loads so fingers crossed i do well!!
• Physics another rlly good teacher this year, which im so happy abt bc my yr 11 teacher did not exist and was no help at all... hoping this year i can actually rely on my teacher to clear up any doubts.

goals... more like dreams oop
• 30+ in Biology... please... on my knees right now
• 25 in English, definitely not expecting anything more than that
• I don't know what I even want for my other subjects because if I say something too low, I might jinx it but if my expectation are too high I'll just end up passing away when my results come out... instead I shall manifest a 50 in EVERYTHING haha
• I really, really want to get into Medical Imaging at Monash but it seems pretty tough to get into so if not nursing or midwifery is also something I'm keen on. technically, im good with anything medical except medicine, the concept of med school scares me lol

me as a human being lol
I'm 16, living in Melbourne and am a total homebody. I don't really participate in school stuff like leadership, sport, etc. because I'm terribly shy and hate, hate, hate social situations with a passion. I'm a total bookworm and I love bullet journaling... unfortunately this means I spend a little too much money on books and aesthetic stationery... ha ha, YOLO. I also spend too much money on K-pop albums... yes I empty my bank account on the regular for a piece of card with my fave's face on it. nct and blackpink are my ults <3 I adore music and genuinely cannot live without it... maybe I did spend hours creating multiple playlists, each with a very specific vibe, what about it?

haha, and that is the word vomit of a start to my journal! best of luck to the class of 2022. hopefully, no online learning and good vibes only from now onwards!!

xoxo, lin going to end all my posts like this bc gossip girl


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2021, 08:16:49 am »
Right on! Welcome to AN - I'm glad you made the plunge! ;D

Nice subject combo, and great start to your journal. What scares you out of med school, out of interest?

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2021, 08:55:59 am »
Hi there! I'm so excited to follow your journey throughout yr 12. I'm also going into to Yr 12 so woohoo! Oooo, I'm also a bookworm and love bullet journaling! How long have you been bullet journaling for? And don't worry, you're not the only one who spends way too much on stationery and books! ;D
It looks like you have a really good mix of subjects and yeah, I'm super scared for chem! It's so hard but I feel like it can be a pretty rewarding subject when you understand!
Hopefully 2022 will be better than the last two years! I don't think I can cope with more online learning hahaha!
༚✧VCE 2020 - 2022✧༚

2021 - Visual Communication and Design [43]

2022 - English | Further Maths | Chemistry | Biology

2023 - Science!!! Interested in pharmacology and immunology (basically, I love all things human biology) ☁️


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2021, 09:27:34 pm »
Right on! Welcome to AN - I'm glad you made the plunge! ;D

Nice subject combo, and great start to your journal. What scares you out of med school, out of interest?

thank you, thank you!! definitely excited to see where this journal goes, haha.

I think what scares me most about med school is the fact that it's so long and I'm personally not a fan of being in school and actively doing assignments and exams well into my late 20s. While I love the idea of medicine and being a doctor, I'm also actively seeking out a shorter course than what medicine offers.


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2021, 09:32:35 pm »
Hi there! I'm so excited to follow your journey throughout yr 12. I'm also going into to Yr 12 so woohoo! Oooo, I'm also a bookworm and love bullet journaling! How long have you been bullet journaling for? And don't worry, you're not the only one who spends way too much on stationery and books! ;D
It looks like you have a really good mix of subjects and yeah, I'm super scared for chem! It's so hard but I feel like it can be a pretty rewarding subject when you understand!
Hopefully 2022 will be better than the last two years! I don't think I can cope with more online learning hahaha!

aaa, 2022 cohort, let's go!!! i started bullet journaling in 2020, during lockdown. it's my lil "rewarding lockdown activity i started" brag, haha. it sort of just happened when i started watching a whole bunch of bujo youtubers and got hooked. anyway, money spent on books and stationery is money well spent!! and omg, yes!! when i understand chem, the satisfaction i get... nothing can top that feeling.

good luck for yr 12!! really hoping everything goes well because, same, another year of online school and i'm going to go absolutely bonkers.


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2021, 10:13:47 pm »
Hey Lin!! Hope what you have experienced so far of Year 12 hasn't been too nerve-wracking. I'm excited to follow your journal  :D
+ gossip girl and nct/bp.. the taste 😙🤏


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2021, 06:26:19 pm »
Hey Lin!! Hope what you have experienced so far of Year 12 hasn't been too nerve-wracking. I'm excited to follow your journal  :D
+ gossip girl and nct/bp.. the taste 😙🤏

heyy!! thank you for reading!! yr 12 hasn't been too bad yet but i can already feel my anxiety skyrocketing... definitely feeling the stress already. and why thank you, my taste is def impeccable if i say so myself >.<


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2021, 08:48:39 pm »


My first week of year 12 is over and summer holidays have officially started! Such a relief to not have to stress everyday about homework, feels like a dream. But it also brings a whole bucket load of fear and anxiety for the future. I definitely feel too young to be actually graduating high school in a year and university still seems like such a far-fetched concept. I guess me turning 17 next year and being one of the youngest in my entire cohort might have something to do with it but just in general, it's kind of terrifying! The 16th is also just around the corner and even though it's just one subject's results, I get incredibly nervous if I ponder about it for too long. I think it's especially because I know I could have studied more and prepared harder for the exam, the nerves + the disappointment in myself isn't a very pleasant combination. :P

Anyway, all my teachers decided to give themselves the liberty of giving us endless holiday homework so I'll have to get started on that soon. I'm dreading English and Physics homework the most though, it's always so tedious and everything I do feels wrong... not much fun, ugh.

Also, does anyone recommend studying as much of unit 3/4 as possible in advance, before the school year starts? I was definitely planning on trying to learn the maths topics early with my tutor but I don't have tutors for any of my other subjects yet so I don't know if it's beneficial or not to try and self-learn stuff...

well, that's it from me. happy holidays to everyone and i hope everyone stays safe during this weird, hot/cold summer!!

xoxo, lin


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2021, 09:18:38 pm »
Well, I have only just finished yr10 but I did Methods Unit 1 & 2 this year (Unit 3 & 4 next year). So I can only advise you on maths, however from what I have heard from others is that it is definetly benificial to begin U3 and 4 early. Doing this allows you to complete the courses earlier and therefore allow for greater external exam revision time.

However, keep in mind that studying ahead of peers may have a few downfalls (See This: https://atarnotes.com/study-ahead-year-12/).

Good Luck!


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2021, 10:36:27 pm »
Also, does anyone recommend studying as much of unit 3/4 as possible in advance, before the school year starts? I was definitely planning on trying to learn the maths topics early with my tutor but I don't have tutors for any of my other subjects yet so I don't know if it's beneficial or not to try and self-learn stuff...

Hey Lin!
So great to read your updates. I love your journal aesthetic; so cute.

In my personal experience, I found studying ahead independently for chem very beneficial. However, for maths (without a tutor), I had no luck at all so I am sure your tutor will help!

For my eng subject (lit) I don't think there was all that much benefit to doing any more than just reading the texts. My practice essays were rubbish until we had discussed the text in class. Moreover, there was a lot of benefit reading the texts again after we had studied them so I think if you can use other ways to productively use your summer holidays you will have more time to reread them later (as you may need less time on other topics you have already taught yourself in other subjects).


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2021, 07:01:26 pm »
Hey Lin!
So great to read your updates. I love your journal aesthetic; so cute.

In my personal experience, I found studying ahead independently for chem very beneficial. However, for maths (without a tutor), I had no luck at all so I am sure your tutor will help!

For my eng subject (lit) I don't think there was all that much benefit to doing any more than just reading the texts. My practice essays were rubbish until we had discussed the text in class. Moreover, there was a lot of benefit reading the texts again after we had studied them so I think if you can use other ways to productively use your summer holidays you will have more time to reread them later (as you may need less time on other topics you have already taught yourself in other subjects).

hi!! i'm glad you like this silly, little word vomit of a journal haha!!

i think i'll definitely start studying chem before the school year starts. i've heard people talk about how much of a horror subject it is so i've been scared into starting early. and for english, i was going to do the same!! just read and annotate my texts because without guidance, i don't think any of my analyses will be any good, let alone any essays.

thank you so much for your advice!!


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2021, 12:32:28 pm »

So, I got my 3/4 biology results!!

GA1: A
GA2: A
GA3: B+
Study Score: 35

Yeah, I genuinely don't know how to feel about it. I was hoping for something a bit higher, but at the same time I know I ended up slacking in school this year so getting at least 35 feels like a miracle. So, it's not a bind-blowing result but it's also not devastating... it's just there.

haven't told my parents yet though!! i know my strict, desi parents certainly expected a 50 from me, lol. wish me luck pls, i'm too young to die.

anyhow, congrats to the 2021 cohort!! i only did one 3/4 subject in lockdown and i struggled, you guys are frikkin' insane for doing everything from yr 11 to 12 remotely. hope everyone has a good day!!

xoxo, lin


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2021, 12:36:30 pm »
Congrats Lin! 35 is a really good score and I’m sure the experience of doing biology early was a very helpful  one. I found all the things I learnt through doing biology early really helpful for Year 12.

It’s normal to feel a bit numb after scores come out- I felt totally the same way. They were just a thing. A kind of arbitrary thing really.

Have a fantastic summer! Make sure you get some good rest and lots of fun in as well as some study ;D


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2022, 02:05:00 pm »
Congrats Lin! 35 is a really good score and I’m sure the experience of doing biology early was a very helpful  one. I found all the things I learnt through doing biology early really helpful for Year 12.

It’s normal to feel a bit numb after scores come out- I felt totally the same way. They were just a thing. A kind of arbitrary thing really.

Have a fantastic summer! Make sure you get some good rest and lots of fun in as well as some study ;D

aaa omg thank you so much!! i definitely learnt a lot of what vcaa expects by doing 3/4 in yr 11 so hopefully it'll set me up well for the rest of this year!!


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Re: ˚ ༘♡ lin's vce archives ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2022, 02:25:35 pm »

um wow.

So, I definitely did not forget I started this with all my teachers' throwing tonnes and tonnes of work at us... haha... yep...!!!!!

Ok, but damn they did not lie when they said year 12 was going to be a tough year. Week 4 has just ended and I already have so much work to do, all the time. I'm kind of dreading this year, it's not the best feeling right now. On the bright side!! I am tackling the work load pretty well as of now, I haven't started completely drowning.

I have my first official SAC on Monday, for the english creative piece. I'm pretty happy with my prep but I don't know if I'm hitting all the point on the rubric so lot's of revision is on the to-do list for me this weekend. Other than that, english is going pretty well, I love how interactive my teacher makes the classes, very unlike last year and yay, I'm not falling asleep 15 minutes into class!!

I didn't expect to struggle so much with methods and chemistry honestly... like I had braced myself for them to be hard but not this hard. However, I have really good teachers and I've been revising a lot so hopefully it doesn't get too much worse... (am i jinxing myself...? probably...) Methods is a bit better, we had a topic test and I scored okay-ish... definitely should have studied more in preparation though. Chemistry is just... there... I mean the current AOS isn't bad in general but the stoichiometry questions... I'M SO BAD AT IT. If anyone has any tips on how to do better in stoich, pls pls pls help a girl out. I'm always so confused when I have to do stoich calculations.

Physics, simply put, sucks. I'm so lost, quite literally just smiling and nodding in class at this point. I got myself a tutor and so hopefully with a lot more hard work and that extra support, I can start understanding and do better. I did do pretty well on the lab report SAC we did last week so, I'm happy with that.

Further is literally my favourite subject right now. I'm finding it easy, I'm loving studying for it, I'm acing the chapter tests and my teacher is literally the best thing that has happened to me. Dropping out of specialists is probably the best thing I have ever done for myself, lol.

tldr: i suck at physics, doing meh in chem and methods, love further and am shaking and crying over my first eng sac on monday.

i did think about trying to to update this weekly once school started but that's definitely not going to happen, so i'm guessing there'll be rare sightings of me scattered throughout this term. but other than that, i hope everyone has had a great start to the year!! and best wishes to the class of 2022!!!

xoxo, lin