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Author Topic: Lemurbruv vs Year 12  (Read 16739 times)

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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2022, 09:26:52 pm »
yes that's literally me too... i'm so paranoid people from my school are gonna know it's me posting and discuss it behind my back  :'(

Thought this was just me too. When I write my journal, I go that's too personal and delete some stuff.  I really hope no one knows who I actually am.

Seems to be a bit of a theme oh no  :'( oh well I say it’s ok and we got this :))
I’m obviously not alone which means you aren’t either!!
class of 2022!
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2022, 06:03:26 pm »
Term 1 Week 4


So this'll be a bit short because I have to hurry up and do hw  ::) ::) ::)

This weekend just gone? wow, I actually discovered how to relax. I got my book out and read it for a solid three hours and did I look back? No because it's a rly good book  ;D

In case anyone's interested I'm reading The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth and would highly recommend. It's got some good, complex themes but at the same time they're not too complex and good for a light read. I spent about half an hour yesterday just laughing at this one scene which was so funny, they were on a date and the guy was just being hilarious. Good stuff!

So having had the time to relax a bit over the weekend I realised that I actually don't mind relaxing! Like before I would do chem hw or smt because that does relax me a bit but I could be READING all these GOOD BOOKS. I won awards last year at school and got $150 in book vouchers so I went on a dymocks rampage and I hadn't really touched any of them until now, but I'm glad I have. It's good incentive to get my act together and study so I have time to read lolllll.


I also have a sPeSh TeSt tomorrow which I am semi-prepared for. I did the preparation tasks over the weekend and went ok with those but I still feel like I need more prep. Have to keep reminding myself it's not a SAC  >:(
At this point I'm just gunna wing it. I've accepted that I definitely won't be getting the scores in spesh that I was last year (mid-high 90's) and can probably aim for 70's and be happy. It takes the pressure off a bit having a bit less of a goal. Don't get me wrong, I still want a good ATAR but from what I've heard it's a mean feat to pull a raw 35 so I will be aiming for that  ;D

Any past spesh students plz come at me with advice or just the experience you had. Don't feel like I really know what I'm supposed to be doing rip.

As for chem, that's going really well, I got my class quizzes back and got 100 on all of them so that was encouraging. My SAC is in week 6 and I'm going to try and do as well as I can. (well duh but like I guess aim for high 90's? Idk if I can pull that off but we'll see).

I feel like I can only really start to be realistic about scores once I start getting some SAC marks back to gauge what level of effort I need to be putting in, or if my study methods are working. Apparently we'll also get our Creatives back for English this week so stay tuned! I'll either be crying or eating cake to celebrate my first SAC mark.

Just realised this has turned into a looong update. Once I started going I couldn't stop  ;D guess that's the beauty of a platform like this.

Hope you guys are doing ok! What do other people do to relax? Feel like I need some ideas now  ;D ;D

Thanks for reading as usual fam!

- Lemur

class of 2022!
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2022, 07:46:14 pm »
Don't feel like I really know what I'm supposed to be doing rip.
don't worry, i feel the same  :-[ spesh can be the bane of my existence at times. from what I've heard, everyone says the best thing to do is practise as often as possible/looking for patterns in the questions that vcaa asks. idk if that makes sense. for me personally i also find it helpful to just read (and sometimes annotate) the textbook content before it is covered in class so i have some idea of what's going on before my teacher explains it. idk if that's helpful
Hope you guys are doing ok! What do other people do to relax? Feel like I need some ideas now  ;D ;D
for me i find playing my instrument (guitar) helps me to stop thinking about school for once in my life lol  :P also having a routine before bed is really good for relaxation too. e.g. a bit screen free time before sleeping to help switch off, having a hot drink, reading for a bit... those are some things that work for me anyways!
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2022, 06:41:29 pm »
Term 1 Week 5


So I didn't go to school today because I was exposed to covid over the weekend. I decided to take a day off as a precaution because of the incubation period and all that. I think it's around 3 days (exposure was Saturday) so if I test negative in the morning I will go to school. I just really don't want to give it to anyone at school because there's a lot of SAC's coming up for a few subjects and it would suck if people missed them because I gave them covid.

Moving on!

I finished The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth (✰✰✰✰) and I'm onto Take Me With You When You Go by David Levithan and Jennifer Niven. Reading is relaxing  ;D


So I didn't quite get the 30/30 I wanted on my Creative SAC, but 29/30 is pretty close so I'm not complaining. I was pretty amazed that I got it and so happy  ;D ;D ;D
It was almost like, "I can actually do this!" and made me feel a lot less scared for Year 12, because at least now I have a bit of an indication of how much work = what sort of mark. I put in a decent effort for my creative and really made sure I communicated with my teacher on how to improve, and ultimately her feedback was crucial (as is often the case with teachers), so I'm really happy with a mark like that so early on.


I had a topic test on tuesday and got 82% which I was pretty happy with! Although it was nowhere near close to my Year 11 average, I'm reminding myself that that was Year 11, which seems worlds away now. Year 12 is totally different, especially with spesh and methods, where the tests are no longer asking you questions that could be from a textbook, but instead exam-style questions where sometimes 'where to begin' is the hardest part. I must say I made the dumbest mistake on the test by factoring tan^2(x) out of an expression and not leaving the factor in there. Like just dividing it with no reason. If I'd instead subbed in a trig rule or something I would've got the right answer, but no I was like DiViDe ThE wHoLe ExPrEsSiOn By TaN^2(x). You learn!


Is so fun rn. I'm over the fact that my teacher isn't exactly who I want her to be. It's ok. She is letting me do my own thing in class and providing me with extension work sometimes, so I'm grateful for that. I really look forward to chem these days, partly because I am just LOVING AoS1. Like is anyone else like that??
My only problem rn is Fuel cells, I still don't really remember how to draw them when I'm asked, and my SAC is next week. (fingers crossed I can do it). I understand the basic concepts. I'm starting revision for the SAC with checkpoints, edrolo and the atarnotes topic tests (although... can anyone else comment on which type of data book they are using? The data book I've got doesn't include some heats of combustion that the one they seem to be using does. I'm using the current VCAA data book)


I just was about to type: "loving french rn" and then realised that I am actually really enjoying school. French is a particular favourite right now because I did my practice oral SAC last Wednesday and totally winged it and she gave me a VH. I'd spent hours the night before stressing because I hadn't memorised what I wanted to say even though I'd really tried. When I got to school, I found out that some people hadn't even finished figuring out what they were going to say, so my teacher said we could take in our draft. That gave me some confidence and I was much less scared so I put up my hand to go first and I'm glad I did.

I've also been ATTACKING Duolingo with fire these past few weeks. I have nearly a 30 day streak and I'm powering through. I figured the extra vocab practice would be good, and since I have a pretty good grasp of the grammar it's not really a disadvantage to use Duolingo. I think Duolingo is fine for learning a language to some extent, but for many languages there are complex grammar systems that don't really match English and I'm not sure Duo teaches that aspect very well. But don't get me wrong, it is great for learning extra vocab that could be helpful in the exam!! Who knows?


Don't feel I really need to update methods atm because not much has happened in the last week. We're doing transformations which is good because that's one of my weaker areas and I'm getting some good practice in.

Thanks always guys!! Hope everyone is going well!


class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
2022: english, methods, spesh, chem, french


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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2022, 06:38:13 pm »
Term 1 Week 6 (?)


Does anyone ever just need to



The strongest urge to make a loaf of damn good focaccia overcame me last night at about 9.30pm. So I went into the pantry and was absolutely devastated when I discovered there was no baker's flour.
I cried.
Mum gave me a hug and goes 'what's wrong??' and I just had to cry and say there's no flour. She patted me on the back.
'There, there. It's 9.30. You have school tomorrow'.
You think that helps???
As soon as I finish my homework tonight I am going straight to the supermarket and getting that goddamn flour.
Because tonight I will make two grand loaves of Lorraine Pascale certified Focaccia.

No one can stop me.

Ok assuming you ignored that  ;D

School is so ugh rn. The weather is absolute shite it's so miserable it's like as soon as autumn hits, the weather gives you the finger and says n o

A very significant proportion of my year level has covid. About 25-30% is the current estimate. Nuts, right? I still haven't got it though. Yet.


I have my first SAC on Thursday, and I pretty much shat myself when I opened the prac sac my teacher sent. Where did I learn all this?
Like it's in there, in my brain. But I am having so much trouble grasping fuel cells. Actually no scratch that. I understand them completely. But when faced with a question, my brain chucks a hissy fit and just shuts down. off work for the day.

It's not ok.

I've made a revision plan and I'm going to stick to it because I want as close to 100% as I can get. Rn that is not possible, but maybe by Thursday I can get close.


Hands down my favourite subject right now, mostly because I'm really improving.

I don't want to say that it's because of Duolingo, but I think the regular practice is good...

I did the Oral SAC last Thursday and imo it went well. Probably not 20/20 but I'm hoping for a 19. There is no grey area in my french cohort, there's either everyone clustered up the top or the bottom. No middle. Rip bell curve  :o


We just started calculus and don't get me wrong I'm hella scared but I love calculus like it just makes sense (although I've been told that will change XD)

Learning like the chain rule and product rule, quotient rule etc. I didn't do 3/4 methods in Y11 so I be learnin that stuff new. I don't think not doing methods 3/4 last year was a huge disadvantage. I'm enjoying both meth and spesh this year.


We did a test on Friday and it was so hard I was not expecting it to be that hard!!! There were some weird as parameters stuff which tripped everyone up and usually I'm fine but not this time... I took forever to finish it. Here I was being all high and mighty but really I'm just like everyone else.

I'm ok with that though  :)


Not feeling great with Eng atm. I usually love ALA but I can't seem to get my essays above 80% ish and I don't really understand why. My teacher says I need to improve my expression, but the only way to do that is practice... ughhhhhh....

We did a prac SAC today though which was surprisingly ok... although I definitely botched the intro. The SAC is next Wednesday :(


Oh well thus ends another update. It was a bit half-assed I know, but I really need to finish my homework so I can

 My YLC said we are nearly a third into year 12??? Is this true??? Can anyone plz confirm?

I hope you're all going ok with everything  :) :) :)

- Lemur

class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
2022: english, methods, spesh, chem, french

beep boop

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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2022, 07:19:07 am »
Plz share photos of bred when you finish.   😪😪

Can you believe how fast we're going?! Its seems surreal that we're more than halfway in term 1.

Hope you have a good rest of the week,

beep boop
class of '22
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'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2022, 04:27:57 pm »
Tiny mini like super stressing wassupdate

Ok so I got my english practice sac back today and pretty much shat myself. 7/10
I wanted a 10. I was hoping for one.
So that's the biggest wake-up call ever that I definitely needed. I need to get my shit together pronto. I've got a week to get my essays up to 9.5-10/10 standard, and I'm gonna do it. I am determined to not let this slip past me. I got 10/10 for my Y11 exam, so I have the skills. I have not put in nearly enough work for english so I'm glad I am realising this now and not friday or smt. I need to practiceeee. I probably also need to eat better food and sleep better tbh  ;D.

(I guess that means not just focaccia for breakfast)

By the way BOTH loaves of that were gone by Tuesday night. I now have a strong urge to make coffee muffins.
There was a time in my life where I put so much instant coffee into a batch of muffins that there was about 2 shots of coffee equivalent per muffin. They were strong but they were SO GOOD.

Sorry that was wildly off topic but point is I am determined to do well so I'm going to work really hard this week. Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.

Thanks for reading guys :)
class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
2022: english, methods, spesh, chem, french


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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2022, 05:41:07 pm »
Term 1 Week 7

Straight to the subjects!


I really wanted to just skip straight to french because I just found out about my first SAC mark. It was an Oral Speaking SAC worth 50% of Unit 3?

Anyway I'm harping on about it because I got 100% and I was so excited and happy. French is one of my favourite subjects and it feels so good to have done well on the first sac.
I did the Oral SAC last Thursday and imo it went well. Probably not 20/20 but I'm hoping for a 19. There is no grey area in my french cohort, there's either everyone clustered up the top or the bottom. No middle. Rip bell curve  :o
^^ Guess I was about right

Sorry for going on about it guys but I'm really proud of myself on this one. I feel like that's ok.

Enough about french  ;D


I have my ALA SAC tomorrow...

I've definitely come a long way since my prac SAC (7/10), my teacher sent through some feedback that I was happy with, but I don't know what else there is to do rn, I'm just going to go through all of her feedback and make some notes, as well as practising integrating some higher-level vocab into sentences. Also practicing intros. I seem to always focus too much on the author's underlying agenda and not how it fits into the context of the piece.

Anyway so that SAC is tomorrow and I'm shitting myself. I am really hoping for a 9 or a 9.5 (apparently its marked out of something more than 10 so I might be able to get higher than a 9. Don't wanna get my hopes up though). Realistically, I know I can pull off an 8 or an 8.5, but I don't want to lose the good rank spot I have in my cohort. My teacher says it's not the end of the world though if I don't get a 9. She reckons the exam is way more important which is encouraging (I like to procrastinate).


Another big one because we did our first SAC worth 50% of U3 on Thursday. Apparently we'll get results by the end of next week. I'm really nervous because a few people were saying that there was something wrong with one of the balancing equations qns but I didn't think there was...

I worked pretty hard for that SAC so my hopes are between 95-100, but I'll be pretty happy with 90+

Anyway that's enough from me. I hope you're all doing ok :)

- Lemur

class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2022, 09:05:19 pm »
I now have a strong urge to make coffee muffins. There was a time in my life where I put so much instant coffee into a batch of muffins that there was about 2 shots of coffee equivalent per muffin. They were strong but they were SO GOOD.

Wait....there is such things as coffee muffins?? That sounds so coooool!! Please teach me your ways, friend.

 - jinx_58
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2022, 07:35:21 am »
Wait....there is such things as coffee muffins?? That sounds so coooool!! Please teach me your ways, friend.

 - jinx_58

bruh I'm not kidding coffee muffins

Literally just wack instant coffee in the recipe. I usually put tonnes in so I have 2 shots per muffin.

It's good for when I get lazy and can't be bothered making a coffee in the morning, coz I can just grab a couple of muffins and be  8) 8) 8)

Makes a good recess too if you need some caffeine  ;D
class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2022, 07:23:11 pm »
bruh I'm not kidding coffee muffins

Literally just wack instant coffee in the recipe. I usually put tonnes in so I have 2 shots per muffin.

It's good for when I get lazy and can't be bothered making a coffee in the morning, coz I can just grab a couple of muffins and be  8) 8) 8)

Makes a good recess too if you need some caffeine  ;D

Thank you!! I'm going to try this out. :)

 - jinx_58
Class of 2022!
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #41 on: March 18, 2022, 05:14:27 pm »
bruh I'm not kidding coffee muffins

Literally just wack instant coffee in the recipe. I usually put tonnes in so I have 2 shots per muffin.

this has inspired me to have a bake off on the weekend... coffee muffins sound like the epitome of sustenance for a year 12 student  ;D
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #42 on: March 18, 2022, 07:53:53 pm »
this has inspired me to have a bake off on the weekend... coffee muffins sound like the epitome of sustenance for a year 12 student  ;D

Coffee muffins are life

Now I have to bake some  >:(

(Mostly because I need sustenance because I nearly fell asleep in chem yesterday and it was first thing in the morning  :()

Sleep first, muffins second! (or not  ;D)


class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2022, 08:56:50 pm »
Term 1 Week 8 (are you kidding me rn)


Where did all the time go??? Everything just creeps up on you and now we are almost done term 1 and I'm like sorry hold up what.

I am (was, actually) super stressed because I did not understand any of AoS2 of chem and I was really sad about english because I messed up my ALA sac. I haven't got the mark back for it, but I don't want it back. It was a shocking sac and I definitely underperformed. I have no idea whether to expect a 60 or an 80. I guess we'll see !! (Prediction: 75% plz be wrong)

Spesh was alright, after some practice I'm not finding differentiation too bad. I'm just slow with it.

Chem, well idrk. I was really struggling with reaction rates and equilibrium until about 5 minutes ago when something clicked in my brain and now I think I get it. Emphasis on 'think'.

French is still my favourite subject. I hit a 50 day streak on Duolingo and they gave me free Plus for 3 days  ;D so I'm just gonna spam lessons to make good use of it. I have no idea when the SAC is, but I think my listening has improved (I hope it has).

That's all for now guys because I need to go to bed so I can get up at 5:30 to do...


:) thanks always for reading as usual, I hope you're all having an ok time of it. If all else fails just bake coffee muffins. That's what I'll be doing.

class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
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Re: Lemurbruv vs Year 12
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2022, 04:57:20 pm »
Term 1 Week 9


It's fair to say I have sub-zero motivation. It's the end of the term nearly, so I know that pretty much everyone is feeling unmotivated (or not, I have no idea at this point), but I am SO hanging out for these holidays. I'm scared that I'm close to burnout, and I got sick over the weekend, so is my body tryna tell me something..? Who knows...

So I haven't been to school since Friday because I'm sick. I haven't really been able to get much work done (at all) and I'm freaking out because I really don't want to be behind, especially in spesh because I missed the double today.

On the other hand though, I think the break has been absolutely necessary. Yes, I hate being cooped up in my room, but like I got through a solid 100 pages of The Mother-In-Law today which was really good. I need to keep up reading because it's the only way I'll stay sane in Year 12.

Also I watched a really good movie on Sunday, it's called I Lost My Body. It's a french movie (on netflix) and I really liked it, although I'm struggling to explain to people why it resonated with me so much. I'm still tryna figure it out, maybe I need to watch it again.


Update!! I got my AoS1 SAC results back... 48/50 - 96%

I was quite happy with that. It may not put me rank 1 but I don't think that matters for now. I worked really hard for that SAC and I am really proud of that result. Unfortunately I have another SAC next Wednesday for AoS2 (Part 1) which sucks because I still struggle to do equilibrium calculations with the ICE tables although I am getting there! It's a slow process. I did a past sac yesterday and got 88%, so I can see which areas need improvement, and target those before I start really hammering through past SACs.


Tbh I have really struggled with english so far this year. The creative SAC went really well, but my ALA went shite and I DO NOT want to see the score for that. Ever.

I'm struggling a lot with Rear Window, although I feel better about it this week than I did last week because I spoke to my teacher, and she gave me some useful advice. I wasn't really sure how I should think of the movie as a whole, but I think I get it now. I'm going to write up some summaries and make a viewing log for it when I feel a bit... less shite.


We did a test on differentiation and I got 80% which I am happy with. It's not the best score it could've been, I guess I'll need the paper back to figure out where I went wrong. Our first SAC is soon and I'm slightly terrified.

That's my little update for now! I'm probably going to try and catch up on all the work I've missed because I've been sick now, which won't be fun but I'll get through it and then read ma book :)

Thanks as always guys

- Lemur
class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
2022: english, methods, spesh, chem, french