A great many of you don't have valid e-mails in your account info for various reasons. That would ordinarily be fine, but in two weeks time, VN will be undergoing a massive change (more on this later, details still being worked out), and due to kinks in SMF's programming you will soon be required to log-in via your e-mails. This change may also result in all of your passwords being reset by the SMF software and being e-mailed to your e-mail accounts. So for your own good, change your VN e-mail to an e-mail you remember and can log-in to. It doesn't have to be your main e-mail, hell if you really don't trust me at all just make a new one specifically for this, but it is in your best interests to have a valid e-mail as that listed in your profile, otherwise you will not be able to log in to the site very soon.
NOTE: You can hide your e-mail from public view by: 1) Clicking on your profile -> 2) Clicking on "Account Related Settings", and 3) Clicking the "Hide your e-mail?" checkbox.
NOTE 2: This is the most annoying FAQ I get asked. IF YOU GO AND CHECK IF YOUR E-MAIL IS HIDDEN IN YOUR PROFILE IT WILL STILL SHOW UP TO YOU. That is because you should obviously always be able to see your own e-mail, but it WON'T be visible to anyone else if you have that checkbox ticked.