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Two minds in one brain
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:43:39 pm »
An interesting article on hemispheric specialisation:


Two minds in one brain
Nick Miller
May 31, 2008

SEEING a man with two brains in action is, frankly, weird.

Thanks to YouTube, it is easy to find videos of "split-brain patients". Their corpus callosum, the main "information highway" between their left and right-brain hemispheres, has been cut to treat severe epilepsy. Joe says it doesn't feel like he has two minds. "I know the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere are working independent of each other," he says. "But … you don't notice it. It don't feel any different …"

But it is different. Experimenters can play tricks on his two brains. Each eye sends its information to opposite hemispheres, but only the left brain deals with language. So one experimenter, Professor Michael Gazzaniga, flashes the word "pan" on a screen where only Joe's mute right brain can see it. "I don't see it," says Joe. Or rather, says Joe's left brain.

"Now shut your eyes and draw," says Gazzaniga.

Joe, or rather Joe's right brain, draws a passable picture of the saucepan that it couldn't admit to seeing.

Then Gazzaniga shows Joe's right brain a saw and his left brain a hammer. What does Joe see?

"A hammer," he says. Then he closes his eyes and draws the image from the screen, and he draws a saw.

"Why did you draw a saw?"

"I dunno," says Joe.

Joe still feels like one person. He can draw, and talk and reason. His IQ and problem-solving skills are the same. But two halves of his conscious mind don't talk to each other. They see their own world, and make their own sense of it. So … are we doing the same, fooling ourselves that there is any such thing as one complete "me"?

Gazzaniga first came across the split-brain phenomenon in 1962, in one of the classic experiments in neuropsychology. It spawned decades of fascinating science and appalling pseudoscience.

It has even built fortunes. Generations of school art teachers have implored their students to "unlock" their right brain's potential, thanks to Betty Edwards' 2.5-million-copy (but highly unscientific) bestseller Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Then there's the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus claptrap.

Even over an email discussion, you feel you can hear Gazzaniga sigh.

"The notion that the right hemisphere is the seat of creativity is utterly false," he says. "Believe me, you do not want to leave home without your left hemisphere. That is the one doing all the heavy lifting for language and thought.

"Left brain logic, right brain creativity, was one of the early characterisations of split brain research. (But) research over the past 25 years has modified what the separate hemispheres are specialised for."

Rather than simple left and right, we are more like a "constellation" of mental systems, each of which can generate a conscious experience. "Instead of thinking about two minds, we should think about our multiple minds, our dozens, if not thousands, of different mental states."

Nevertheless, the different specialisations often live in different halves of the brain. In a normal, right-handed person's brain, the left side handles language, or at least most of it. It also houses what Gazzaniga calls the "interpreter", a system that takes all the billions of sights, sounds, observations and thoughts that rush through our brain and turns them into a concrete narrative, a story or pattern that makes sense of world.

It helps us see each other as people, as individual essences, rather than bundles of matter and noise that happen to be nearby.

"We see people not as functional brains but as our wife, our best friend, our kids, etc. How that works is utterly mysterious and unknown," Gazzaniga says. "Usually (the interpreter) gets things right. But frequently it can make up fictions that we come to live by, nonetheless."

This "know-it-all" flaw of the left brain can be seen in split-brain patients, where the left brain often makes up excuses, which it thinks are true, for what the right brain has done. For instance, if the left brain saw a chicken but the right brain drew a shovel, the left brain blusters "that's to clean out the chicken shed".

The left brain's obsession with making up stories can lead it astray. Gazzaniga devised an experiment in which he flashed lights of different colours and "asked" each side of the brain to predict the next colour. The left brain tied itself in knots trying to find patterns and sequences. The right brain got better results, simply by watching how often each colour turned up, and "betting" on the most popular one.

The right brain is talented, too, in sensory pattern recognition.

"Imagine you are looking into a forest and a deer is walking behind the trees," Gazzaniga says. "Somehow you can spot it and see it is a deer even though you are only seeing snippets of the deer at any one time. The perceptual grouping mechanism is putting together the whole picture for you."

People with stroke damage to their right brain can suffer bizarre disruptions of attention and spatial awareness, Gazzaniga writes in his latest book, Human: the science behind what makes us unique, to be released in the US at the end of July.

"These people often behave as if the left side of their world, including the left side of their body, does not exist. If you were to visit such a person, and entered the room on the left, he would not realise you were there. If you served him dinner, he would only eat from the right side of the plate!

"He would only have shaved the right side of his face, (or if a woman, only have put make-up on the right side), would only read to you the right page of a book or newspaper, and would only draw the right side of a clock, or half of a bicycle. But what is truly odd, they don't think there is anything wrong!"

The right brain seems to harbour musical talent, too. Oliver Sacks, in his latest book, Musicophilia, writes that a person's dominant hemisphere (usually the left) can suppress the full potential of the other half of the brain. If the dominant hemisphere is damaged, that potential can be released.

One patient in 1984 had a stroke that damaged his dominant left hemisphere. He started incessant whistling and singing and acquired a passionate interest in music, a profound change in a man described as previously "musically naive", Sacks wrote. The strange change did not last but faded away as the man's verbal skills recovered.

There are many other stories of people who developed artistic talent following left-hemisphere strokes, or whose art changed.

Yet the split-brain picture is not as clear as some have drawn it. Critics of Gazzaniga's work say it is too simplistic, that most abilities are shared across both sides of the brain, and that split-brain patients might be the exceptions, rather than proof of the rule.

The harshest critics even compare it to phrenology, the Victorian-era practice of describing someone's personality through the bumps on their skull.

Gazzaniga counters this with research into brain-damaged patients that shows some brain functions can be highly localised. There are even people with brain lesions that only stop them recognising fruit. We have specialised functions to recognise faces, predators, some of the laws of physics and life itself. We're also hard-wired to see intentional behaviour, even when none exists. So with all these different "mini-brains", how does it all come together to make one "me"?

"Our consciousness is rather kicked back and relaxed when you think about all the input with which the brain is being bombarded and all the processing that is going on," Gazzaniga writes in Human. "In fact, it is as if our consciousness is out on the golf course, like the CEO of a big company, while all the underlings are working. It occasionally listens to some chatter, makes a decision, and then is out sunning itself."


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Re: Two minds in one brain
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2008, 07:54:12 pm »
Thanks for sharing :)