Ok now before you mods move this, this has a right to be here since the methods students are the one who will use it most, spamming trial exams. It would have been posted in the notes section but the file types accepted is only .doc and .pdf not .xlsx.A little while back I made a spreadsheet to keep track of my progress of practice exams in the lead up to mid year exams, I did post it up here somewhere. Anyway as a way of procrastination I altered it and now I give to you version

! It lets you enter in your marks for each practice exam you do and it will calculate and rank your subjects depending on your scores. It now has a score predictor based on a trendline that is generated as well as predictions for good and bad days. Anyway I thought it might be useful for some of you guys who spam practice exams, although alot of you probably have already started a while ago.
Feedback on the accuracy of the predictions are welcomed. It sucessfully predicted both of my midyear results for Chemistry - A and Physics - A+.
****VERSION Pi - The Final Version****
After a lot of small/medium updates I have finally got it how I want it. This will be the FINAL version. You now don't have to manually copy down formulas, the cells clear themselves and use the relevant formula automatically. There are other small fixes here and there. Anyway, for the last time, Enjoy!Ok now before you read on I would like to remind you that you should throughly understand the content of the course before you start practice exams. Also there is no point in doing a load of exams if you do not learn from your mistakes, go through each question you got wrong, work out why you got it wrong and do it again.If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, just make a post in this topic.Any ideas for any new features are also welcome.
Here are a couple of screenshots (using made up data).

Note: If you are not a member you may need to register to download the file.http://www.atarnotes.com/register.php***NOTE***
There may be issues if run on a MAC, unfortunately I cannot find a fix for the issues but it is still functional, just not entirely.
Note: This spreadsheet and it's creator does not endorse illegally obtaining exams. Use at your own will.Previous Versions Information*********Version
(approaching pi)*********
Ok guys, I finally worked out how to get the trendline equation work correctly. You can now enter in how many more exams you plan on doing and it will give a prediction based on the trendline of your score (percentage not study score) on a good, normal or bad day. Also there is an option to put in your desired score and it will calculate (again based on the trendline) how many more exams you need to do to acheive that score. Have fun guys & girls.**********Version 3.1415926535 - More than just the Asian five**********
Ok here is the latest version. It has been updated so there is a quick rename of subjects and exam sections allowing you to change from just the asian five subjects. Also added is a comparison of the means and sd of the section of each exam relative to each other. NOTE: Not all the subjects you do may fit so if you cannot make everything work or run out of sheets with the right number of sections.**********Version 3.14159**********
Ok now I have altered the Exam tracker. The version jumps version 3 because I think I kinda over did it on that one. It did have a trendline on each graph for each subject which you could use to predict your score after so many exams, and how many exams you would need to do to obtain that score but it was getting too complicated and was making too many things for you, the user to enter and change. So thats got the axe. For version 3.14159 I have added 3 charts, one to track the amount of exams for each subject, and two for the subjects split into science and maths. Also added is the automatic counting of the number of exams completed but to make the graphs scale you will need to do a sort of "refresh" on the summary page. Anyway this should be the last version so enjoy!V2.01: Slight change to instructions to stop colour rating system malfunction.DISCLAIMER: This is
only a prediction of your result on the day based off your previous results. A variety of different factors plays a part in your performance on the day, so do not rely on this prediction.