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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2015, 09:37:01 pm »
Hey! :D
Here is today's creative piece!
I believe this is the best piece I have ever written! In sixteen minutes at least. :P
Probably because the plot was so easy to write about.
That's my opinion, but maybe you guys think it sucks ??? I don't really know.

I wrote this in 16 minutes and the prompt was sourced from number 6 of this site:

If anyone thought some of the language was too colloquial please tell me, cause I'm quite dubious.
Here it is! Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! 8)
And always, I say this for the guests, this has not been touched all mistakes are actual errors I made and are not typos :) The brackets are not part of the story however, just errors that might not make sense for readers.
I stared at the roof of the plane. The black paint was peeling like that of an old wound, it was completely encrusted with soot. I turned my head to the ground scavenging for something clean. I scanned down the narrow walkway of the aeroplane, there was puddles of a dubious liquid. It was a abominable mish-mash of dead cigarettes, chewed gum and shredded bits of paper.

I had begun to appreciate the plane, almost enjoy it. I was voyaging back to Africa, my homeland. There I would be able to see my relatives and my dar(dear) wife. I shuffled my legs around the claustrophobic seats, my hear(heart) pounding like a teenager rock concert. I was feeling zesty, yet nervous.

I was finally going to be free! "Freedom," I muttered the word to myself ecstatically. Free from all the towering skycrapers of New York, away from the rude, ungrateful people on the streets and most importantly, far from the provocative noise of the city. Sweat ran down my forehead, not from fear which I'm accustomed to, but deprived from pure excitement.

A loud voice penetrated my thoughts, "Mayday! One of our engines have failed, prepare for a crash landing!" the speakers boomed. I jolted from my seat, and got into a defensive position. Placing my beloved hat over my head, I embraced myself for the worst. A period of silence lingered over the plane. CRASSH! The plane smashed into the ground, cries of fear escaped the mouths of the passengers as parents examined the children. I too was shocked, peering out into the window I exclaimed joyfully. I then sprung out of my seat and ran outside the door. "Home," I shouted, there is no place I'd rather be at that moment when I sprinted to the outskirts of my hometown.


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2015, 08:40:01 pm »
Sorry, I didn't post yesterday, the internet was down. :(
Anyways, I recall that I wrote this in 15 minutes and the prompt was
Should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
No one has viewed my last two essays or at least put down feedback.
If anyone could write a small message even just
"Keep up the good work!"
It gives me enough motivation to do this.
I truly understand now that the test is officially over for this year, no one really cares,. ;D If that's the case for you, if you read it, yay. Enjoy it, and bookmark it. ;D

Anyway, here it is.
60% of Americans have admitted to not participating in any sort of community service, an alarming study shows. The topic of whether American citizens have to complete a year of community service has evolved from a small idea to possible reality. The main points for this topic are that they will develop life skills and become more environmentally aware. I undoubtedly believe that all American citizens have to complete a year of community service due to the convincing benefits.

When one matures, he or she will spend at least half the time doing household chores. In our society, most if not all parents do the enormity of the chores, leaving the child unprepared for adulthood. Enforcing one year of community service will make American citizens more life smart.

Community service will develop environmentally aware citizens. Along with the obvious benefits of helping the community, the citizens will also understand the world they live on more and understand the problems. Therefore, more citizens may chose to support the environment later such as donating to a charity or becoming a specialist in the field.

While some may say that missing out on one year of education will produce less academically inclined students, the truth is that citizens will learn significantly more from their community service than hitting the books. A person has to learn these valuable life skills eventually so why not do it when they are at their prime?

American citizens should complete a year of community service. It will teach citizens the ins and outs of life, make them understand our world better and they will not be academically disadvantaged contrary to popular belief. All american citizens should unequivocally complete a year of community service.


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2015, 11:39:22 pm »
Hey buddy
Just wanna let you know that the creative writing stuff was very easy this year, think your good to go with those
You really should study for maths and numerical reasoning though, those were pure BS today
Gondonsome year 10 maths and practice your numerical
Overall nice. Writing man, got some good vocabs, I'm just guessing the grammar mistakes are typos while typing, I don't think even 80% of people today at the exam wrote like this
I'll still be around on the website, so I might Come check some of your other pieces later


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2015, 11:48:19 pm »
Sorry, I didn't post yesterday, the internet was down. :(
Anyways, I recall that I wrote this in 15 minutes and the prompt was
Should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
No one has viewed my last two essays or at least put down feedback.
If anyone could write a small message even just
"Keep up the good work!"
It gives me enough motivation to do this.
I truly understand now that the test is officially over for this year, no one really cares,. ;D If that's the case for you, if you read it, yay. Enjoy it, and bookmark it. ;D

Anyway, here it is.
60% of Americans have admitted to not participating in any sort of community service, an alarming study shows. The topic of whether American citizens have to complete a year of community service has evolved from a small idea to possible reality. The main points for this topic are that they will develop life skills and become more environmentally aware. I undoubtedly believe that all American citizens have to complete a year of community service due to the convincing benefits.

When one matures, he or she will spend at least half the time doing household chores. In our society, most if not all parents do the enormity of the chores, leaving the child unprepared for adulthood. Enforcing one year of community service will make American citizens more life smart.

Community service will develop environmentally aware citizens. Along with the obvious benefits of helping the community, the citizens will also understand the world they live on more and understand the problems. Therefore, more citizens may chose to support the environment later such as donating to a charity or becoming a specialist in the field.

While some may say that missing out on one year of education will produce less academically inclined students, the truth is that citizens will learn significantly more from their community service than hitting the books. A person has to learn these valuable life skills eventually so why not do it when they are at their prime?

American citizens should complete a year of community service. It will teach citizens the ins and outs of life, make them understand our world better and they will not be academically disadvantaged contrary to popular belief. All american citizens should unequivocally complete a year of community service.

A few grammar and punctuation mistakes here and there. Sorry, my head is hurting from today's exam and I just... ;A; I'm a bit curious about that 60% thing. Is that based off on prior knowledge, or did you make it up on the spot?

Quoted off my English tutor:
- Research the "appeals" and stuff for rhetorical questions. :P It's a bit like guilt tripping.
- Look at the "common" words that you're using right now and search up synonyms for them. Just make sure you use them in the right context!
- Remember that this is a formal essay so avoid colloquial language. :)
glenny (:
nossal soon!! hopefully


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2015, 07:06:07 pm »
Hey buddy
Just wanna let you know that the creative writing stuff was very easy this year, think your good to go with those
You really should study for maths and numerical reasoning though, those were pure BS today
Gondonsome year 10 maths and practice your numerical
Overall nice. Writing man, got some good vocabs, I'm just guessing the grammar mistakes are typos while typing, I don't think even 80% of people today at the exam wrote like this
I'll still be around on the website, so I might Come check some of your other pieces later

Hey Dat1Guy,
First, a huge felicitations for completing the test. Although you might get this a lot, you are indeed miles away from at least 80% of the people taking the test because you have come to request help at a site designed for VCE students.
Your writing was spectacular and all but I believe the maths would've tripped 99% of people. I heard that the test spammed maths questions at you guys. :P
Your experience of taking the test, will benefit everyone that reads your post experiences. ;D

A wave of butterflies bounce around my stomach as I think of the competition I'm going against, and I believe you do too. However, at least half the people had no idea how hard the test was going to be, I know somebody in year 7, in my maths class that said he was going for MHS and has like a 60% average on maths and even worse in English. :o The bottom line is, there is a huge bell curve with these tests, and although a lot of people had a confident bearing, probably because they know they're going to fail.  ??? I have faith that you'll get in. ;)

Now for your review of my essays. :)
The grammar mistakes, were unfortunately, actually careless errors I made. :(
I think it's the time frame that halts the basics, like my handwriting flops  :-X and my normal spelling and grammar literally takes a flop.
I think, once I get used to it, I'll be able to do it better.  ::)
Thanks for the suggestion.

Definitely stay around :D
I need all the motivation I get if I'm going to try to do this until the test for next year. ;)
As I've previously mentioned, you can just enjoy a piece that a stranger has put a lot of effort into. Kind of like a book :o
But, even putting down a smiley face tells me that people are (hopefully) enjoying my essays.  8)
Otherwise, general tips like what you've done is fantastic ;D

I should spend less time writing these,  :P
I can't believe how much time goes by as I reply. :o

congratulations for dealing with the pressure of the MHS test! ::)
I'll hopefully, see you around. Not physically, as in read your messages.

A few grammar and punctuation mistakes here and there. Sorry, my head is hurting from today's exam and I just... ;A; I'm a bit curious about that 60% thing. Is that based off on prior knowledge, or did you make it up on the spot?

Quoted off my English tutor:
- Research the "appeals" and stuff for rhetorical questions. :P It's a bit like guilt tripping.
- Look at the "common" words that you're using right now and search up synonyms for them. Just make sure you use them in the right context!
- Remember that this is a formal essay so avoid colloquial language. :)

As I've said to Dat1Guy, a huge congratulations for finishing the test! I'd like to extend the felicitations by giving you a frog.

As for your corrections, I agree with all of your suggestions.
However, I'm not so sure what you mean by appeal? the thingo
If you could explain that, that would be fantastic.
The grammatical mistakes aren't typos unfortunately, they are my errors that I made. :P
Will try to improve on that, I think it will help once I'm more used to the timeline.

Moderator action: merged posts, do not make multiple posts in a row in the future, thanks
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 09:36:03 pm by pi »


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2015, 08:37:43 pm »
Hi guys, ;D
I finished today's creative essay!
THANKS SO MUCH especially to COLORS and Dat1Guy for their consistency in marking and praise. ::)
But, once again danke sehr! For the other peeps that have helped, with my ambitious thread, 8)

If anything, the ending wasn't very good, in fact it was horrible. I had no idea what to write when I saw the prompt. :(
This was written in about 17 minutes
and the prompt was sourced from page 7 of this site:

And also, all mistakes under the dotted line,(I'm 90% sure at least) are actual mistakes I've carelessly made when I wrote, to clear up on any confusions. ;D

I just realised this would be the perfect essay if the prompt was:
Every cloud has a silver lining
I stared down at my tiny claws, weeping hopelessly. Why was I cursed with the white stick! Tears rolled down my neck and onto my feathery wings, making them salty and rough like freshly poured concrete. I swiveled my head so I could once again view the monstrosity that I had received.

I remember it all, memories of the brighter days flooded back to me. I recalled when I was flying around energetically as a small bird. I was chating with my friends as we swooped from the air to the ground, feeling the wind brush gently around me. Darker memories hit me, a giant shoved a white stick inside my rear. I clenched my claws in sheer rage as I thought of the heartless creature.

I was the laughing stock of the other birds, and the constant pain followed me everywhere. A familiar voice chirped in the distance, "Hey its the weird bird." I sighed as I flew away from the bullies. My stomach growled, I flew up to a friendlier looking giant, hoping for food. The young child laughed at me and wrapped his huge hands around my body. I screeched, trying to escape. The pain was excruciating, suddenly pop! I felt something strange, I looked behind me as I exclaimed ecstatically. I couldn't believe my eyes, the stick was removed!

I soared into the air happily, chirping delightedly. The hand reached from me again and fed me appetising crumbles of heavenly white bread. It was the first time I had eaten in weeks, I laughed maliciously as I watched the others stare jealously.

After finishing the refreshing meal, I realised something, as I looked upon the picturesque night sky. "You can can only see the stars at night," I muttered joyfully to myself. Every cloud really does have a silver lining.


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2015, 05:45:03 pm »
Hey pixelgraphicsful
Thanks for that Post, makes me feel better about myself
Honestly I didn't get up to question 30 of maths b4 I went guess mode so not confident, you should go check out the post exam feels thread to get an idea of everyone's experience
Once again nice piece you got there, I just realised that I spelt nowadays as nowdays so I kinda want commit seppuku
Good piece, good personification here and there English devices are important
Like I said, you can only get a superior, even if you got the highest score in the writing, they'll still lump you together with the top 11%
Btw u really should practice Maths, like really, learnt how to do everything in the practice exams but real exams took it up a notch
The past exams seems easier than this, as I haven't heard someone telling me about advanced quadratics being in there, only learnt basic as people suggested, took most of my time learning inequations and stuff.
Time management if important too, I never got near the 30 or 25 question marks at half time, didn't finish a single multiple choice one on time either
Best lucks to you next year my friend
Lots of adjectives not commonly used to in there, that's something I probably won't be able to do. Anytime soon, good job man
If you go to the exam and pull something like this, certain superior right there man


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2015, 07:56:49 pm »

Please take Dat1Guy's advice about mathematics... ._. I flipped over to the last page and BOOM. A parabola question!! I was told that only basic quadatics factorising would be on the exam but lmao hahaha I mucked up. There was also heaps of surds. Don't even get me started on Numerical Reasoning.

If you haven't done so, do the practice exam on the site. :D Verbal and Reading had, like, 2 or so questions taken just out of the practice papers lol

Hi guys, ;D
I finished today's creative essay!
THANKS SO MUCH especially to COLORS and Dat1Guy for their consistency in marking and praise. ::)
But, once again danke sehr! For the other peeps that have helped, with my ambitious thread, 8)

If anything, the ending wasn't very good, in fact it was horrible. I had no idea what to write when I saw the prompt. :(
This was written in about 17 minutes
and the prompt was sourced from page 7 of this site:

And also, all mistakes under the dotted line,(I'm 90% sure at least) are actual mistakes I've carelessly made when I wrote, to clear up on any confusions. ;D

I just realised this would be the perfect essay if the prompt was:
Every cloud has a silver lining
I stared down at my tiny claws, weeping hopelessly. Why was I cursed with the white stick! Tears rolled down my neck and onto my feathery wings, making them salty and rough like freshly poured concrete. I swiveled my head so I could once again view the monstrosity that I had received.

I remember it all,. Memories of the brighter days flooded back to me. I recalled when I was flying around energetically as a small bird. I was chatting with my friends as we swooped from the air to the ground, feeling the wind brush gently around me. Darker memories hit me resurfaced, a giant shoved a white stick inside my rear. I clenched my claws in sheer rage as I thought of the heartless creature.

I was the laughing stock of the other birds, and the constant pain followed me everywhere. A familiar voice chirped in the distance, "Hey, it's the weird bird."

[Don't know if they actually care, but always start a new line when a new speaker enters. Even if it's a sigh, or something.]

I sighed as I flew away from the bullies. My stomach growled,. I flew up to a friendlier ['friendly' would be better. "Friendly-looking..."] looking giant, hoping for food. The young human child laughed at me and wrapped his huge hands around my body. I screeched, trying to escape. The pain was excruciating, suddenly pop! I felt something strange, I looked behind me as I exclaimed ecstatically. I couldn't believe my eyes,. the stick was removed!

I soared into the air happily, chirping delightedly. The hand reached from towards me again and fed me appetising crumbles of heavenly white bread. It was the first time I had eaten in weeks,. I laughed maliciously as I watched the others stare jealously.

After finishing the refreshing meal, I realised something, [don't think the comma is necessary here] as I looked upon the picturesque night sky.

[New paragraph for ~extra effect~?]

"You can can only see the stars at night," I muttered joyfully to myself. Every cloud really does have a silver lining.

Grammar mistakes :D Don't worry, I know for sure I had a few punctuation errors in my creative writing.

The behaviour of the bird seems a bit odd here. Would birds just randomly approach humans like that? Normally, they'd have to be lured in by, like, crumbs or something lOL.

We got a sentence prompt this year. I think it was "imagine if you could read people's thoughts". So yeahh, take a break from pictures for a bit? :) I think my cousin had a four-picture + sentence prompt LMAO.

I really, really like the way you insert little morals at the end of every piece. Definitely better than your first creative essay. :)

You could always interpret the picture figuratively. Kinda hard to do with a sentence prompt, but super easy with a picture. That piece of white stick looks like something man-made. I would've written something about how mankind is harming nature and other animals with their inventions, mocking Mother Nature or whatever hahaha haaaa just throwing it out there. :3 Stick to whatever you're comfortable with~
glenny (:
nossal soon!! hopefully


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2015, 08:46:18 pm »
Hey pixelgraphicsful
Thanks for that Post, makes me feel better about myself
Honestly I didn't get up to question 30 of maths b4 I went guess mode so not confident, you should go check out the post exam feels thread to get an idea of everyone's experience
Once again nice piece you got there, I just realised that I spelt nowadays as nowdays so I kinda want commit seppuku
Good piece, good personification here and there English devices are important
Like I said, you can only get a superior, even if you got the highest score in the writing, they'll still lump you together with the top 11%
Btw u really should practice Maths, like really, learnt how to do everything in the practice exams but real exams took it up a notch
The past exams seems easier than this, as I haven't heard someone telling me about advanced quadratics being in there, only learnt basic as people suggested, took most of my time learning inequations and stuff.
Time management if important too, I never got near the 30 or 25 question marks at half time, didn't finish a single multiple choice one on time either
Best lucks to you next year my friend
Lots of adjectives not commonly used to in there, that's something I probably won't be able to do. Anytime soon, good job man
If you go to the exam and pull something like this, certain superior right there man

Hey Dat1Guy!
Thanks for all the suggestions. Damn, I just realised, I'm still only getting a superior 
even if I miraculously pull off a Mozart piece. :P
My tutor keeps telling me that if I'm using a few poor verbs or adjectives in an essay, it will bring the vocabulary level of my whole piece down a lot. So, basically, I'm trying to learn as much vocabulary as possible. ;D

Maths, I used to think I was pretty good at it until I realised there was harder stuff than fractions. ::) I totally understand what you mean by the whole questions dilemma. I've done a few tests like the MHS maths(in terms of the amount of questions and the time, not the difficulty) and I absolutely flop at everyone of them. The plan I've set is that, three months prior to the exam, I'll join James Ann or Hendersons to get me more comfortable to the time frame. The plan might change but it's always nice to say that you have one.  ::)

Also, don't commit seppuku :P A misspelt word isn't that bad, if you think about it. Will only deplete about 0.5%, I think at least.

PS: I had to look up what seppuku meant ;)


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #39 on: June 15, 2015, 09:43:48 pm »
Wait, wait wait wait! A parabola question? Damnit should've checked the last page, I know how to do parabola lol, kinda took me a while to learn without a tutor and only by myself


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2015, 09:57:19 pm »
Please take Dat1Guy's advice about mathematics... ._. I flipped over to the last page and BOOM. A parabola question!! I was told that only basic quadatics factorising would be on the exam but lmao hahaha I mucked up. There was also heaps of surds. Don't even get me started on Numerical Reasoning.

If you haven't done so, do the practice exam on the site. :D Verbal and Reading had, like, 2 or so questions taken just out of the practice papers lol

Grammar mistakes :D Don't worry, I know for sure I had a few punctuation errors in my creative writing.

The behaviour of the bird seems a bit odd here. Would birds just randomly approach humans like that? Normally, they'd have to be lured in by, like, crumbs or something lOL.

We got a sentence prompt this year. I think it was "imagine if you could read people's thoughts". So yeahh, take a break from pictures for a bit? :) I think my cousin had a four-picture + sentence prompt LMAO.

I really, really like the way you insert little morals at the end of every piece. Definitely better than your first creative essay. :)

You could always interpret the picture figuratively. Kinda hard to do with a sentence prompt, but super easy with a picture. That piece of white stick looks like something man-made. I would've written something about how mankind is harming nature and other animals with their inventions, mocking Mother Nature or whatever hahaha haaaa just throwing it out there. :3 Stick to whatever you're comfortable with~

I've seen you around this section a lot. It seems you're very paranoid about the test. Lol jks, probs not but I would be. I fail to write educated sentences at 10pm.

Anyway, your idea for the creative was AMAZING! Have to record that down. It can be used for like lots of things, and I'm pretty sure the examiners like that sort of stuff.

Sorry I can't write as much, I can barely think. My mind shuts of at around 9:30PM. :o

I can however, promise you that I value your impute and have spend hours looking at your suggestions + the other threads that have being popping up all over the place.

As you can tell, I can like really sleepy and I'm not sure what I'm typing.
Naah, just kidding, I can still read back, just I'm too tired and I can't be bothered. ::)

Here is a picture of a bart simpson. IDK :P



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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2015, 10:00:23 pm »
Here is a picture of a bart simpson. IDK :P


Yeah look, it's actually Homer.


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2015, 10:02:29 pm »
When the topic for creative for anything that I can make sad or go "feels" didn't show up, I was like

.......... Well ok my chances just dropped by 20%


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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2015, 10:10:23 pm »
Hey everyone! Or colors and Dat1Guy. Lol
Feel free to prove me wrong. ;)

Here is today's persuasive.
I'm really tired so I won't be formal-ish like usual and just tell you the facts.
I wrote this in 17 minutes and the topic was:
Should students be required to take Spanish classes?

To clear up misunderstandings, the mistakes under the dotted line are errors I've made in my essay, not typos. :P
I think I was too colloquial and there was too much awkward phrasing. Some of the basic spelling and phrasing errors were frightful. :-\
Ok, here is the essay.
A poll in 2014 suggests that only a meager 10% of people believe that Spanish classes to be compulsory. Forcing pupils to learn Spanish will serve little purpose, add stress to their academic life and will be obnoxiously hard to organise. I unambiguously believe that students should not be required to tak Spanish classes.

Learning Spanish has almost no benefits. The Spanish population is among one of the lowest in the world meaning that very little will be able to communicate to you in Spanish. Spanish also has an average economy so possible business applications involving Spanish are poor. Asides from the rare Spanish movie reference, Spanish is arguable the worst language to learn.

The government will suffer greatly if Spanish lessons were mandatory. Spanish teachers are extremely uncommon compared to other LOTE teachers like French or German. After finally discovering one, schools will be charged a pretty penny since Spansih is hard to learn equivalating to higher cost. Forcing Spanish lessons on pupils will dig the government into a sticky situation.

Although some desperately bigoted individuals will argue that Spanish lessons will boost VCE mark, the truth is that so will the other languages that are significantly less complex. Being taught Spanish purely for its academical purposes is a flimsy idea.

Making Spanish lessons compulsory for students is a dreadful idea. It can almost never be used as a proper language, to communicate, will significantly raise the stress of the defenceless students and is not worth learning simply for its academic properties.I unequivocally believe that students should not be required to take Spanish classes.
Here is a picture thingo of flappy bird to signify my rage with how bad the prompt was, for me at least.



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Re: MHS Writing Topics + Essays + Advice XD
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2015, 10:15:44 pm »
Hey there,
Good text but here's the thing, since Spain has such low population and popularity, and it's culture being lost, a rebuttal saying that people should learn Spanish to keep the language from going extinct, how would you argue to that?