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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #330 on: January 25, 2017, 08:27:40 pm »
Hey, this is my third draft at an attempt at a generic essay. This is just my introduction and body 1.  Any feedback would be great- Thank you  :)
Discoveries have the potential to challenge ones values and attitudes as well as develop new understandings of others and ourselves. Michael Gows play, “Away” (1986), highlights how discoveries either challenge or affirm ones assumption and beliefs towards the human experience. Likewise, Miroslav Hulob’s poem ‘The Door’ challenges the audience’s attitudes and assumptions towards experiences through the discovery the persona reveals. Ultimately, discoveries lead individuals to new values, ideas and worlds including both physical and emotional paradigms, that allows one to contemplate on future possibilities.

The process of making discoveries is often challenging, however it can lead us to new worlds and values, stimulate new ideas and enable us to speculate about future possibilities. In Michael Gows drama Away, Coral, challenged with grief at the loss of her son in the Vietnam War, initially finds herself enthralled by the impotence of his death. Ensnared by feelings of grief and a pervading belief in the empty rhetoric of Australia as the ‘Lucky Country’, Coral experiences detachment from both her husband Roy and the world around her. It is the situation of disconnection that prevents her from discovering the kind of healing that comes from acceptance; a point alluded to in the plays opening intertexual reference to Pucks final speech in A Midsummer Nights Dream, “Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends”. Gows use of presenting the closing of one play at the opening of another, substantiates Corals need to acknowledge the loss of her son if she is to move forward and speculate about future possibilities. However, the subordinating conjunction ‘if’ in ‘if we be friends’ also reveals that any transformation is dependent upon making discoveries that allow her to recreate herself and hence reconnect with others. This validates difficulty for Coral as she pursues to protect herself from making the new transformative discoveries that would enable her to experience healing, rather than choosing to remain with a world characterized by unachievable yearnings. This is highlighted through her soliloquy in which Coral, is symbolically positioned ‘outside’ and ‘alone’, reflecting on the school performance of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Her reflection upon the character of Titania waking to ‘find something you want so badly’ reveals her desire to wake and find her own son, ‘in the dark’ showing her awareness of the impossibility of this and becomes a symbol of her entrapment. This is supported by the rhetorical questions that conclude her soliloquy ‘is it better for them to die like that? Looking like gods?”. The repetitive asking of questions to which there are no satisfactory answers, in combination with her exclamation ‘Alas’, renders Coral a despairing figure which needs to discover the capacity to forgive in order to experience restoration.


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #331 on: February 02, 2017, 07:21:28 pm »
if anyone could scan through this and give it a read that would be great!
any feedback will be much appreciated.

i feel that i may have resorted to just listing techniques and retelling the plotline...
also pls make yourself a coffee before reading this...i genuinely feel like its going to make you fall asleep.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 07:54:17 pm by katnisschung »
get me out of here


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #332 on: February 02, 2017, 10:38:22 pm »
Hey, this is my third draft at an attempt at a generic essay. This is just my introduction and body 1.  Any feedback would be great- Thank you  :)

Hey Zara! Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you - Welcome to the forums!! :) so normally we have a rule where you need 15 posts for every bit of feedback you receive, but since this is only a couple of paragraphs (and you had a delay), I'm happy to give it a read and give some quick comments!

Discoveries have the potential to challenge ones values and attitudes as well as develop new understandings of others and ourselves. I'd like to see more clarification here - But of course this is a generic essay. Be sure to add more detail about the understandings, values and attitudes to suit the question. Michael Gows play, “Away” (1986), highlights how discoveries either challenge or affirm ones assumption and beliefs towards the human experience. Likewise, Miroslav Hulob’s poem ‘The Door’ challenges the audience’s attitudes and assumptions towards experiences through the discovery the persona reveals. Ultimately, discoveries lead individuals to new values, ideas and worlds including both physical and emotional paradigms, that allows one to contemplate on future possibilities. I like the structure of the Thesis - I can't comment too much on the ideas/arguments because I know you've been purposely vague. Looks promising! Be sure that your Thesis is adequately linked to the question on the day (with adequate detail) and you should be on the right track.

The process of making discoveries is often challenging, however it can lead us to new worlds and values, stimulate new ideas and enable us to speculate about future possibilities. Great start! Has the potential to go a variety of ways too, to match the question. In Michael Gows drama Away, Coral, challenged with grief at the loss of her son in the Vietnam War, initially finds herself enthralled by the impotence of his death. Ensnared by feelings of grief and a pervading belief in the empty rhetoric of Australia as the ‘Lucky Country’, Coral experiences detachment from both her husband Roy and the world around her. These last two sentences are a little too much towards retell - It is just giving me details from the text. You can always assume your marker knows the text - NEVER retell! It is the situation of disconnection that prevents her from discovering the kind of healing that comes from acceptance; a point alluded to in the plays opening intertexual reference to Pucks final speech in A Midsummer Nights Dream, “Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends”. Better! A technique and a quote, but still a little too close to retell. Try to expand the idea to the grander sense - What does the audience learn about Discovery from this intertextual reference! Gows use of presenting the closing of one play at the opening of another, substantiates Corals need to acknowledge the loss of her son if she is to move forward and speculate about future possibilities. Slight expression issue at the start there. However, the subordinating conjunction ‘if’ in ‘if we be friends’ also reveals that any transformation is dependent upon making discoveries that allow her to recreate herself and hence reconnect with others. Again, you are exploring the concept of discovery through the characters. Don't do this! Just look at what the technique shows the audience about the Discovery - The character is a middle ground you don't need. This validates difficulty for Coral as she pursues to protect herself from making the new transformative discoveries that would enable her to experience healing, rather than choosing to remain with a world characterized by unachievable yearnings. Slightly retell. This is highlighted through her soliloquy in which Coral, is symbolically positioned ‘outside’ and ‘alone’, reflecting on the school performance of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Her reflection upon the character of Titania waking to ‘find something you want so badly’ reveals her desire to wake and find her own son, ‘in the dark’ showing her awareness of the impossibility of this and becomes a symbol of her entrapment. This is supported by the rhetorical questions that conclude her soliloquy ‘is it better for them to die like that? Looking like gods?”. The repetitive asking of questions to which there are no satisfactory answers, in combination with her exclamation ‘Alas’, renders Coral a despairing figure which needs to discover the capacity to forgive in order to experience restoration. You need a more distinctive conclusion here. "Thus, the audience realises that..."

Definitely some great textual references and concepts here! A little too text focused - Watch for retell, make sure you aren't just saying what happens in the text and linking it to Discovery. Go bigger - The use of TECHNIQUE in QUOTE shows the audience _______ about Discovery." No character/textual detail necessary! ;D

I hope these comments help, and once again, welcome to the forums :)


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #333 on: February 04, 2017, 02:58:00 pm »
if anyone could scan through this and give it a read that would be great!
any feedback will be much appreciated.

i feel that i may have resorted to just listing techniques and retelling the plotline...
also pls make yourself a coffee before reading this...i genuinely feel like its going to make you fall asleep.

Hey Katniss! I'd be happy to give you some feedback ;D

Essay with Comments
The process of discovery involves uncovering what is hidden and reconsidering what is known.

Discovery serves as a mechanism to challenge an individual’s preconceived beliefs. Only after reconsideration of such ideas, is an individual able to uncover their true values, previously hidden. Such realisations are intensely meaningful, as one gains renewed perceptions. Good start! I think conceptually it works, and it links to the question well. Perhaps some more extrapolation on exactly what beliefs are challenged? This notion is seen through Shakespeare’s the Tempest and Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Initial views regarding social hierarchy and freedom respectively, are challenged, thus leading to a renewal of one’s thoughts. Both texts emulate that it is the process of discovering that drives an individual’s search for new meanings. Great introduction; texts are linked to the idea nicely without any retell, and I feel ready to dive into your essay. Awesome ;D

Both texts explore the change in significance of social hierarchy to the individual as its meaning is redefined as a result a discovery. This would work better as a second sentence - In the AOS, I find it works better to start with a conceptual statement without mentioning the text. Quick not so good example that sort of links to this paragraph, Significant discoveries alter individuals perceptions of the society they live in." In the Tempest, hierarchal structures dictated by Jacobean values are contested, inner discovery resulting in recognition of the flaws in such system. Boatswain’s assertions serve as a catalyst to Gonzalo’s recognition to preconceived notions of power, “make the rope of his destiny our cable.” The metaphor outlines Gonzalo has recognised that the Boatswain is the ‘master’ of the ship. But what does it show the audience about Discovery in general? Try to step away from the text and characters. Gonzalo is able to identify the futility of the nobility’s power against the face of nature, his trust in the Boatswain’s abilities undermining the absolute authority of the upper class. Retell. Thus as social hierarchy shaped by Jacobean values is contested, Gonzalo’s discovery enabling him to uncover the flaws in such system.  Retell. Shakespeare crafts Gonzalo to describe his Utopian world, “I’ th’ commonwealth”, his kingdom would have “no name of magistrate…no sovereignty.” The use of anaphora of “no”, emphasises his recognition of the flaws of the hierarchal structures he has left behind. He recognises this creates the tensions and divisions within society, implicitly suggesting its futility through exclusion of order in his utopian realm. Still focusing a lot on the characters - You need to go bigger. What does the AUDIENCE learn from the use of these techniques. Thus, the composer exemplifies, that discoveries enable the individual to uncover the true significance of societal values regarding hierarchy following reconsideration of initial preconceptions. Great conceptual basis and some good textual reference, but definitely too text focused. If you take away the retell and the explanation, you've really only provided two techniques!

Similarly, in Twain’s novel, Huck’s belief in the inferiority of African Americans is contested as a result of his inner discovery, unveiling his true mentality towards Southern American hierarchy. Nice transition into the new text. Huck’s initial opinion of African American inferiority reflect societal preconceptions. First person perspective outlines Huck’s true attitudes, shaped by Southern racism, “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger.” What does this reveal to the audience though? You are telling me how techniques reveal Discovery concepts in the text, I want to know what they tell me about Discovery in general. Twain’s use of tautology exemplifies Huck’s reluctance to have to apologise to an African American, based on society’s hierarchy which dictate ‘White’ Americans to be superior. Huck’s discovery of runaway slave Jim’s character through their growing friendship catalyses his epiphany of the irrationality of the social hierarchy instilled into him. Try not to use plot elements as examples - Always techniques or elements of form! “White” is used as a motif for the white supremacist views deeming ‘white’ men to be superior on the foundation of their skin colour. By calling Jim, a slave, ‘white’, by explicitly stating Jim held the capacity to be as honourable as ‘White’ Americans, Huck’s defiance represents his exposure to the absurdity of such system founded by a lack of morality. Thus showing the audience _____. Thus, through both texts it is evident that discoveries result in a gradual renewed perceptions, following reconsideration of preconceived perceptions regarding social hierarchy.

The texts explore the transformation in the meaning of freedom as a result of the renewal of perceptions offered through discovery. In the Tempest, Prospero is crafted to reassess his pursuit for revenge as equating to an achievement of freedom. Retell. Shakespeare crafts Prospero to create an imaginary realm through the masque to stress the discrepancy between the imaginary and reality. What sort of techniques/traits are you talking about specifically here? The connotation of “sweet nymphs” establishes an enchanting scene, the imagery of perfection furthered through Ferdinand’s awe, “harmonious, charmingly”, the use of assonance placing emphasis on the state of social harmony. Nice analysis here! Again though, what is its purpose? Prospero recognises the juxtaposition between the two worlds, “we are such stuff as dreams are made on.” Retell. Through the symbolism of “dreams”, the composer has crafted Prospero’s recognition that one inadvertently chooses to fantasise their devout wishes. However, he sees that only the individual has the capacity to determine their implication. Don't tell me that the character realises this - SHOW me how Shakespeare has communicated this TO US. His return to reality characterised by emotional affliction is established through aural imagery, “a strange hollow and confused noise” breaking the masque. This portrays his pain of disillusionment, and his sense of his failure of total control causing him to recognise the paradoxically liberating yet enslaving nature for his pursuit for revenge. Thus, this leads to his climatic comprehension of forgiveness as an alternative route to freeing oneself. Some fantastic analysis/concepts in here, but some of it is retell. Some is REALLY close to what you need, but still focusing on what the characters discover, not what we are taught. You could literally change "his" to "we" or something like that and it would improve immensely - All about subtleties.

Similarly in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain crafts Huck to undergo an inner discovery to review his simplistic vision of freedom. Again, a focus on the plot here - Try to keep things abstract. His initial comprehension of freedom consist of a living dictated by his own rules. The composer reveals this through the use of first person, revealing Huck’s inner thoughts of Miss Watson, “she kept pecking at me, and it got tiresome and lonesome.” His emotionally afflicted state is emphasised through rhyme and the characterisation of Miss Watson, “pecking” indicating constant verbal abuse towards Huck. Still character focused here. However, Huck’s intellectual epiphany causes him to identify freedom as isolation society as he identifies the hypocrisy of the world. The composer’s choice for Huck to have “tore it (letter) up,” symbolises his rejection of society’s values and the true break from the world around him. Thus showing the audience _______ about Discovery. He recognises the absurdity of society’s principles following his realisation Jim will be demeaned to a slave upon returning back to society. Retell. His expression to “light out” is a metaphorical device Twain utilises to outline his desire to escape society. Huck recognises his sense of freedom lies in escaping reformation to illogical societal rules, the metaphor alluding to finding his true values through detachment from society. Therefore, Huck’s inner discovery leads to the development of his intellect, leading him to uncover what freedom really means to him.

Thus, discoveries are often intensely meaningful as the individual is often gifted with renewed perceptions that uncover their conscience towards social hierarchy and freedom. In both texts, it is highlighted this transformation can only be attained through reconsideration of preconceived beliefs. A tiny bit more in this conclusion would be beneficial - Try recapping the sorts of concepts that have come through in your analysis above.

Let me start by saying you've got some awesome techniques/textual references here, a great writing style, and some great concepts to boot! All the pieces are there for a great essay.

The big issue you've already identified - But perhaps a bit too harshly. There is definitely retell in places, but in other places you've got the technique and the concept. The problem is that when you do those things, it is still about the characters. What they learn, what they observe, the discoveries they made. This doesn't quite go all the way, because you haven't shown how the audience is shown things. What does the composer show US about discovery? That's where you need to go; take the same ideas (because they are awesome) and show me how WE are shown them, not how the characters experience/show them.

Besides that; I don't have much to say. A few bits of retell to trim, replace them with techniques, a bit more conceptual explanation needed in areas just to make things a little clearer. But on the whole you are definitely showing me a great understanding of Discovery and a solid understanding of how your text portrays it :)

Great work ;D


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #334 on: February 07, 2017, 12:02:42 am »
Hi  :)

Just wanted to ask, how would you approach the poem Ulysses as a related text? Like, could you please give me some examples of conceptual statements?

Oh, and my class text is A Short History of Nearly Everything if that helps.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 12:05:46 am by Sukakadonkadonk »


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #335 on: February 07, 2017, 02:29:37 am »
Hi  :)

Just wanted to ask, how would you approach the poem Ulysses as a related text? Like, could you please give me some examples of conceptual statements?

Oh, and my class text is A Short History of Nearly Everything if that helps.


Hey there! I haven't studied either of these texts, but my understanding is that your prescribed text is about travel, and Ulysses has the element of travel as being a wonderful experience. An experience that the persona encourages until death?

Perhaps you could talk about new experiences being stimulated by new environments.

"Immersion in environments not-familiar to an individual can stimulate discoveries relating to perspective."
"Experiencing landscapes unfamiliar to an individual may prompt a transformation of one's perspective."
"Intensely meaningful shifts in perspective may be prompted by travelling to landscapes contrary to one's familiarity."

I'm not sure if these are on the right track for your texts, but if they are off the mark you can let me know how and I can try assist some more :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #336 on: February 08, 2017, 08:46:22 pm »
Hey there! I haven't studied either of these texts, but my understanding is that your prescribed text is about travel, and Ulysses has the element of travel as being a wonderful experience. An experience that the persona encourages until death?

Perhaps you could talk about new experiences being stimulated by new environments.

"Immersion in environments not-familiar to an individual can stimulate discoveries relating to perspective."
"Experiencing landscapes unfamiliar to an individual may prompt a transformation of one's perspective."
"Intensely meaningful shifts in perspective may be prompted by travelling to landscapes contrary to one's familiarity."

I'm not sure if these are on the right track for your texts, but if they are off the mark you can let me know how and I can try assist some more :)


All good for now :)

I don't think my prescribed text is really a book about travel but more as an introduction to the history of scientific effort and the people who shaped the scientific understanding we know today. Well, maybe a travel through time I guess might make sense haha.

I'll try out your ideas first then will see from there but thanks so far!


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #337 on: February 25, 2017, 07:45:49 pm »
Hi! As an assignment, our class just needed to write 2 paragraphs on each of our texts, but all my teacher wrote was: "Nice Maddy, just make sure your examples relate to your thesis statements and you don't list". Would you be able to help me fix this? Thank you in advance!


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #338 on: February 26, 2017, 03:05:14 pm »
Hi! As an assignment, our class just needed to write 2 paragraphs on each of our texts, but all my teacher wrote was: "Nice Maddy, just make sure your examples relate to your thesis statements and you don't list". Would you be able to help me fix this? Thank you in advance!

Hi Maddy, welcome to the forums! ;D

Thanks for posting your essay. Our essay marking rules require you to have made 15 posts on ATAR Notes for every piece you'd like marked. This is just to ensure that the service doesn't get too clogged, the markers can keep up, and that the feedback can be detailed as a result! :)

I had a quick skim read, what your teacher is asking you to guarantee is that the examples you mention have direct relevance to your topic. In the first paragraph, for example, your topic is on Discovery being the result of challenging/removing barriers. You mention that again in your first bit of analysis, but then it sort of falls away a little bit as the paragraph progresses. You imply it, but it needs to be stronger - And this reasoning applies to your other paragraphs too.

I'd also recommend that you watch out for retell - A few places had you slip back into restating what happened in the text just a little bit. Be careful! ;D beyond that, make sure you have a proper intro and conclusion when you submit this/write it in exam conditions, adapting to the question :)

I'd be happy to give this more detailed feedback, just let me know when you reach 15 posts! Hope to see you posting around the forums ;D


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #339 on: February 26, 2017, 05:15:01 pm »
Hey, first time posting, just a mini-essay on The Motorcycle Diaries. It would be great to have some feedback and a rough mark, my teacher is giving me very mixed reviews and not sure what i'm doing right/wrong. Thanks!

“Discoveries can affirm or challenge one’s assumptions and beliefs about aspects of human experiences and the world.” How does this quote represent your own understanding of discovery as represented in Part Two of the Motorcycle Diaries?

Discovery can be introduced in a plethora of forms, whether it be spiritual, political or physical, it can confront ones opinions and offer new experiences that alter an individuals attitudes and being. The Motorcycle Diaries progressively affirms this belief that the human experience evolves in the presence of new experiences seen through Che’s progression from bourgeois student to culturally aware revolutionist.

Stage two welcomes a series of new significant experiences to Che, it provides Che with new political insight and a reassessment of his hierarchical views. These experiences he goes through resonates within his character and further characterises the discoveries to come. Che’s original views are single-minded and restricted by the ignorance of his privileged lifestyle, as he travels more Che experiences an assortment of people. These people he meets are “as friendly as people could be from worlds as different as theirs and ours”, this comparative tone presenting, a Che more aware of the world and one accepting of all those within his domain, South America.  Furthermore, Che’s discovery of the communist couple in Chile further encourages the revolutionist within Che, offering a new view on the world. Che’s introduction to communism through this enigmatic couple helps him embark and develop his nationalistic and capitalistic views on the world. This challenging and changing view is embodied within the communist couple illustrated through Che’s admiration for them. “It was one of the coldest times in my life, but also one which made me feel a little more brotherly towards this strange… human species”, the positive connotations placed on brotherly as well as its allusion to a capitalist ‘comrade’ provides insight into Che’s beliefs about the world as well as his political viewpoint manifesting at the time. Through new insights about his people and changing political views, the reader grasps the concept of Che’s changing values and those that will follow through with him.

Che experiences discovery in an array of forms throughout stage two. However, the significance of his introduction to communism and his rearrangement of views on the people he meets (whether rich or prole) serve as the most significant for the years to come. This belief that “Discoveries can affirm or challenge one’s assumptions and beliefs” rings true for Che Guevara and furthermore foreshadows the man that is to amount from his discoveries.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 08:55:48 pm by h_blair »


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #340 on: February 28, 2017, 08:47:44 pm »
I'm reposting because I edited my last post too many times that I felt rude to still have it up. Please do a general review of the essay with focus on structure (PEEAL) adn content (technq, analysis) pls :D
ty guys
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #341 on: February 28, 2017, 10:02:21 pm »
Hey, first time posting, just a mini-essay on The Motorcycle Diaries. It would be great to have some feedback and a rough mark, my teacher is giving me very mixed reviews and not sure what i'm doing right/wrong. Thanks!

Hey h_blair! Welcome to the forums! ;D thanks heaps for posting your essay - Our current essay marking rules require you to have 15 posts on ATAR Notes for every piece you'd like marked. This is just to ensure the service doesn't get too clogged - That way the markers can keep up and can give proper feedback, not just the quick two liner I'm going to give you below ;) so this is your first post, you have 14 to go, feel free to have an explore around the site, ask a few questions, you'll build it up in no time!

That said, on a quick skim of your essay, I think you've got some great conceptual ideas. My main piece of feedback would be to avoid retell - If you read through your big paragraph it reads much like a recount of what happened to the character, occasionally linking to how that represents Discovery, with analysis dotted through too. Try to move away from retelling things that happened in the text, and just be abstract: The use of TECHNIQUE in QUOTE shows the audience ___________ about Discovery. No plot detail or setting up/explaining the quote, just BAM. Give me marks please ;)

Would be happy to give more detailed feedback once you hit the 15 posts, just let me know! Once again, welcome to the forums ;D

I'm reposting because I edited my last post too many times that I felt rude to still have it up. Please do a general review of the essay with focus on structure (PEEAL) adn content (technq, analysis) pls :D
ty guys

No worries at all, I'll get this version marked for you ASAP! :)


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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #342 on: March 01, 2017, 03:21:04 am »
I'm reposting because I edited my last post too many times that I felt rude to still have it up. Please do a general review of the essay with focus on structure (PEEAL) adn content (technq, analysis) pls :D
ty guys

Hey Mathew! I've looked at your essay and written some points in bold font throughout, click the spoiler below :)

Discoveries can be confronting and provocative causing change in an individual's perception of society and attitude towards others, consequently making them more dependent on faith and relationships. I'd split this in two. "As a consequence of discoveries, individual's are prompted to be more dependent on faith and relationships." It's just a lot to take in very early on and we don't want to lose any of your good ideas. “Life of Pi” by Ang Lee highlights Piscine Patel’s emotional and spiritual changes throughout the journey while “The Perks of Being a Wallflower ” by Stephen Chbosky emphasises Charlie’s intellectual and emotional growth as a result of his coming-of-age. These texts cooperatively highlight how discoveries can be emotionally, spiritually and intellectually nourishing, leading to the stronger beliefs, new-found maturity and personal growth as with Pi and stronger relationships and a greater understanding of society as with Charlie.
Discoveries lead to a greater dependency on faith and relationships as a coping mechanism for emotionally and spiritually significant discoveries consequently leading the individual to challenge old perceptions and gain new understandings.  I fear that the "point" here is too long and it sounds like a lot of ideas are being spat out, rather than being artfully entertained. I'd break this down. Also, you're speaking about a very unique idea, and I don't know that it is definitely true enough to be in the high modality. So, if you said to someone, unrelated to the HSC, "When you discover things, you become more dependent on faith." I'd say that what you're saying isn't at all true of everyone. For this reason, I'm inclined to suggest you put this in lower modality, like, "may lead to..." or "sometimes leads to..." or "Discoveries lead to greater dependencies on coping mechanisms to assist individuals with the ramifications of discoveries. Faith and relationships will often be looked to during challenging emotional or spiritual circumstances, where old perceptions will likely be abandoned in order to gain new understandings." This just breaks your idea down into two sections - but of course, adjust this as you please!
Ang Lee highlights Pi’s relationship through the omnipresent ‘Pi’s lullaby’ originally sung at the start of the film but carried out through the film as a symbol for Pi’s familial and cultural links. Presumably we're talking about the Life of Pi right now, I think it is best to spell this out for the first sentence, and then you can just refer to the composer and the characters. The constant repetition of its soothing sounds throughout the movie highlights Pi’s emotional dependency on his homeland. Pi’s shift in his dependency on faith is also highlighted through the ‘meeting god’ scene in which he joyfully shouts out “Praise be to God. The god of all gods.” a The biblical allusion highlightings that Pi's has grown growth in his faith as a result of his physical discoveries from the survival. The long shot throughout the scene along with the non-diegetic orchestral music with drowns out his speech highlights his minuscule nature in the presence of God. His spiritual progression is also highlighted from his shift in believing in Hinduism, Christianity and Islam- the three major religions in India, to a single religion which is a unification of all three stated by Pi himself as “Catholic Hindu”. Your structure of technique, quote and effect is really good. Your points are strongly supported. It's just about getting that initial thesis statement right, because it definitely flows in your analysis, it's just not in the beginning part there.
Chbosky highlights this dependence on relationships as a coping mechanism through Charlie, a socially awkward ‘wallflower’ - someone who “sees things… keeps quiet about them… but understands”. Really good link between texts, excellent!! This emphasises his introverted and analytical nature which leads him to be a loner at his new school. His emotional progression is shows shown when he sits next to Patrick and Samantha at the football match and calls Patrick by his real name instead of ‘Nothing’- a nickname given to him, symbolising a flowering friendship. Patrick later reveals to him that he is “gay for Brad”; the informal tone of which highlights their closeness but also his gradual acceptance into society. Just as with Pi who complemented his family with religion, Patrick and Sam end up complementing his real brother and sister with whom he had unnerving relationship with. However, his relationship with his sister is re-established with mutual respect after Charlie takes her to the abortion clinic following her boyfriend denial in acceptance for the baby. Although this makes a really great link at the beginning of the sentence, this is otherwise just two sentences of plot retell. I'd cut this down as much as possible. The contextual progression of Charlie’s relationship with others allows the reader to feel pathos for him given his past circumstances including his friend’s suicide which caused him to move schools.
 The unexpected nature of discoveries can challenge an individual and lead to a change in perspectives, both in faith through Pi’s increased emotional dependency with Pondicherry, and in relationships as with Charlie and his friends and family. The unexpected nature of discoveries can challenge an individual and lead to a change in perspectives. In the Life of Pi, this culminates in an increased emotional dependency with Pondicherry, but is expressed in the relationships people share in The Perks of Being a Wall Flower. At present, it's just too long and makes too many strenuous connections. The more succinctly you can approach ideas, the better.

Discoveries can also lead to inner strength, greater maturity and understanding of the world around them as a consequence of the intellectual and spiritual discoveries, which questions previously held presumptions and perspectives.
Pi is seen as an empathetic and intuitive individual who seeks to find the best in others appropriately believing in Christianity, Hinduism and Islam all all three Semitic religions (if you'd like to avoid listing, this shortens it) in the hope of finding God and connecting with the divine. This shows that Pi’s theological concerns came from his want desire to connect with God and the divine and to feel like he belongs somewhere just as with Charlie  This last bit doesn't make sense to me? Is it unfinished?
The epiphany in which he questions previously held assumption about survival occurs in the Island scene. Pi prays to God beforehand stating “God thank you for my life. I’m ready” foreshadowing that he will do something that is displeasing to god as he is “ready” for his punishment. The audience understands this foreshadow with the long shot of the glowing island which along with the ethereal music alludes that Pi cannibalised the chef to survive. Pi states “I had to get back to the world or die trying “ the strong word choice highlighting his realisation that continuing like this will not only lead to eventual death but also irate his beliefs and devalue his families suffering and death.
Chbosky also highlights how discoveries change our understanding and consequently our perception of society by following Charlie’s twisted childhood as a result of which he never understands society. His aunt, one of the central figures of his life, was shown to be molested as a child herself who along with an abusive boyfriend meant that she had a troubling relationship with men. Consequently she gravitates towards the only masculine comfort: Charlie.
Charlie never becomes angry at his aunt for what happened to him instead stating “if I blamed my aunt Helen, I would have to blame her dad for hitting her and the friend of the family that fooled around with her when she was little. And the person that fooled around with him.”
I know that you link it back at the end, but this is a lot of words that doesn't gain any marks. It's not analytical, so it isn't doing you favours. showing through the metaphor that he understands that pain and suffering is a never ending cycle passed on and that the victim will eventually be the oppressor. This highlights his personal growth and maturity as he accepts what happened to him and tried to move on. Charlie’s eventual maturity and coming of age is highlighted by his relationship with his friends in “The time we were walking. Just the three of us. And I was in the middle. I don't remember where we were walking to or where we were walking from...  I just remember walking between them and feeling for the first time that I belonged somewhere." The symbolic and idealistic nature of this quote highlights the emotional impact that friendship and acceptance has on an individual and how a good support system will have a transformative impact on the person.
This links back to how discoveries can change our perception and leave a lasting impact on the individual leading to greater maturity and inner strength as with Pi and maturity and a better understanding of the world as with Charlie.
Therefore to conclude, Pick either therefore, or to conclude. Together it's a little tautologous. discoveries can be sudden, unexpected and will be intensively meaningful to the individual. They can be confronting and question what we know leading to stronger faith, greater emphasis on relationship, maturity, inner growth and a better understanding of the world as seen in the Life of Pi by Ang Lee and The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

On the conclusion:
I think that you could benefit from dealing with each text individually, in its own sentence. At the moment, it's a bit of idea vomit at the end, listing all of the ideas from the texts in a big splurge. I'd break it up just to make sure you're doing yourself justice.

On the entire thing:
Your strongest asset is the way you link the quote to the technique to the effect. That's really strong consistently. There are times when plot retell detracts from the strength of your paragraph, so avoid that at all costs. I see it as, if the plot retell carries over more than one sentence - it is too much. Sometimes even just one sentence is too much because it doesn't help you gain anything - but two or longer is too much. I've pointed it out where I see it, so consider how you could condense that.

Your ideas about discovery are well developed, but not well expressed. The thesis statement doesn't need to stand as a tiny paragraph of its own, it can sit inside the paragraph. Perhaps you just put that there for your own reference, but if it is part of the essay you would submit, I suggest sitting it inside the paragraph so that the ideas flow more flawlessly. There are some tiny expression things to adjust. Have a look at the length of your sentence, and how many ideas are in that sentence. You don't want to sound simple and basic, but of course you don't want to lose your great ideas within a lot of words in one sentence. I've suggested ways to split your sentences. Also, the way you treat the text's titles could be a tad more formal, mainly just identifying the text at the start of the paragraph rather than just jumping in to the characters. This just ensures clarity, which is needed when you're making such great links!

This is a really great essay, lots of great ideas in here. When the expression is adjusted, it'll really tighten this essay up into a neat little piece which will surely gain some marks. So, focus on the thesis and discovery ideas first, I suggest. This way the back bone of your essay is strong, and then the muscles of your essay (the content) will stand stronger as well. Good luck! :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #343 on: March 01, 2017, 07:00:18 pm »
Hey Mathew! I've looked at your essay and written some points in bold font throughout, click the spoiler below :)
Discoveries can be confronting and provocative causing change in an individual's perception of society and attitude towards others, consequently making them more dependent on faith and relationships. I'd split this in two. "As a consequence of discoveries, individual's are prompted to be more dependent on faith and relationships." It's just a lot to take in very early on and we don't want to lose any of your good ideas. “Life of Pi” by Ang Lee highlights Piscine...
Hey Elyse,
Woowww thanks for the detailed post. I'll definitely take on your advice. I showed it to a couple of my friends and the recommended using more techniques, actually analysing the texts and shrinking the paragraphs.
Do you also recommend the same thing? How can I also better express my points like would that be through better analysis or anything else?
Ty Elyse once again :)
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Re: Free AOS essay Marking!
« Reply #344 on: March 02, 2017, 01:49:48 am »
Hey Elyse,
Woowww thanks for the detailed post. I'll definitely take on your advice. I showed it to a couple of my friends and the recommended using more techniques, actually analysing the texts and shrinking the paragraphs.
Do you also recommend the same thing? How can I also better express my points like would that be through better analysis or anything else?
Ty Elyse once again :)

Hey Matthew, no worries at all! I think you are "actually analysing the texts" so no suggestion from me there. I do think that perhaps you could bring more textual evidence to the table, because you manage to juggle the point, technique, and effect well, so I think there's room for more because you are so succinct. But, it isn't the most pressing issue. The treatment of the concepts is the most important, and using more techniques right now won't gain you marks, or at least it won't until we adjust the way the concepts are handled. When the concepts are in place nice and strong, everything in the essay will seem a little different, and smaller flaws will show. This isn't such a bad thing - it means that once the thesis is in order, we are then at the stage of refining the essay to be precise. This might mean adding more techniques and linking them. By all means, go ahead and make the essay more dense (as long as its still cohesive), but I think that job will become a lot easier once the concepts are in order. That'll give you a lot of clarity! :)
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