Hey PE students! Fantabulous subject, I am hoping y’all are enjoying it so far.

If you’re looking for a 50 in PE, here are some quick tips on how you can achieve your goals!
There are no secrets in achieving a 50 — simply hard work and dedication. PE is not a particularly difficult subject. If you make sure you know the course inside out and don’t take any short cuts... provided that you put the effort in, you are basically guaranteed a very high score.
But if you’re looking for legit tips - these are four simple (and proven effective) tips I used before every PE SAC in Year 12:
Ask for help if there is a concept you do not understand. PE is a content heavy subject and teachers will
have to move quickly through the course as you'll find there is simply not enough time in the school year to finish everything. This is why you
need to utilise the time outside of class effectively. You could either...
1. Go home and spend
hours researching and flipping through text books only to slightly grasp the idea. OR...
2. You can set a 15-20 minute appointment with your teacher to discuss in depth any concepts you find difficult to comprehend.
As a unit 3&4 student you are the #1 priority for your PE teacher so don’t be afraid to bother them with questions you need clarified.
How do you make sure nothing in the SAC/exam can surprise you? By understanding
E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in the course.
Make mind maps! Just like the human body, all of the chapters in PE are connected, and mind maps are a visual guide which help you interrelate each AOS and better understand the whole course in its entirety. Try and make mind maps for each topic without looking at your notes; this will reveal any gaps in your knowledge and tell you exactly what you need to work on before the SAC/exam.
Utilise study groups.Find a few other students that want to achieve the same goals as you in VCE PE and create a study group. Meet up however many times a week you want, or even just once or twice the week before a SAC to discuss the topics that you still don’t understand. There will be others who don’t understand it as well, and perhaps there will be some who have a pretty
solid grasp on the topic and can explain it to the rest of the group. If you’re the person who knows what’s going on, study groups can still be extremely productive as it’s proven that teaching others is the most effective way to retain knowledge and information... What does this mean for you? Revising for the exam will be a breeeeeze!
Ask your teacher for feedback on practice SAC and exam papers. Teachers do not have time in class to go over exactly what is needed in your responses for full marks. While worked solutions do exist, they are not the most descriptive things and many students lose marks not because they lack the knowledge but because they simply didn’t jot down enough information in their response for full marks. Your teacher is the one marking your SACs. If you’re looking for the A+, ask them for feedback on your responses (particularly the 3+ mark ones) that you’re not confident with.
As you will learn in the later chapters, sleep is often viewed as the single most important factor for optimal performance (both physiologically and psychologically). Don’t work yourself too hard that you burn out before the exam. Remember to sleep, socialise, and
partake in regular PA!

Good luck on all your endeavours, and all the best for VCE PE!

Gisele xx