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June 01, 2024, 08:16:50 pm

Author Topic: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey  (Read 33841 times)

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #45 on: June 01, 2018, 06:36:35 pm »
I've already talked about SAC's so I don't really have anything to add to that, just a few updates on excursions I've had this week.

I didn't end up getting to go on either of the EAG excursions, the first one I didn't go on because I didn't go to school that day, the second one wasn't going to get back to school until 4:30 and I had a meeting at 3:30  :'( The meeting was for World Challenge, it was our last official meeting before we leave. Which is scary. My outdoor ed teacher was originally supposed to go on the trip but he has a leadership job at school now so he can't disappear I completely blanked on how to spell that for 4 weeks. Anyway, he keeps asking me if I'm ready and when we were at the beach the other day and he's like 'the scenery will be very different in a few weeks'. I don't know if he's trying to scare me but it's kinda working

So my outdoor ed excursion to the desal plant was supposed to be on Thursday. Well originally in the booklet we got at the start of the year it said Tuesday, turns out the booklet was right, my teacher was wrong. So on Monday we found out that the excursion was actually on Tuesday. The desal plant was cool, it was also really awesome because she talked a lot about so many technical sort of things and it all made sense from a combination of things I'd learnt from Outdoor ed, enviro, and biology which was awesome. After we went there the 1/2 enviro kids had to go do some sort of research for their next sac and we got to go to the beach. it was very windy, and it turns out I don't run away fast enough to get away from waves. My shoes were slightly damp. There were a couple of birds trying to fly against the wind which was very funny to watch.

I also had my fish excursion today which was seriously awesome. We went to Melbourne Polytechnic first and had a look at their aquaculture setup, then got a talk about ways of getting into the aquaculture industry and jobs that exist there, then we watched a documentary about some of the seriously cool marine life that exists in port phillip bay. We learnt a bit about algae - they can do everything Then we got to anaesthetise a couple of Murray cod. Then we got a tour of aquarium industries and saw some crazy looking fish
Was a very cool day.
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2018, 09:42:55 pm »
I've already talked about SAC's so I don't really have anything to add to that, just a few updates on excursions I've had this week.

I didn't end up getting to go on either of the EAG excursions, the first one I didn't go on because I didn't go to school that day, the second one wasn't going to get back to school until 4:30 and I had a meeting at 3:30  :'( The meeting was for World Challenge, it was our last official meeting before we leave. Which is scary. My outdoor ed teacher was originally supposed to go on the trip but he has a leadership job at school now so he can't disappear I completely blanked on how to spell that for 4 weeks. Anyway, he keeps asking me if I'm ready and when we were at the beach the other day and he's like 'the scenery will be very different in a few weeks'. I don't know if he's trying to scare me but it's kinda working

So my outdoor ed excursion to the desal plant was supposed to be on Thursday. Well originally in the booklet we got at the start of the year it said Tuesday, turns out the booklet was right, my teacher was wrong. So on Monday we found out that the excursion was actually on Tuesday. The desal plant was cool, it was also really awesome because she talked a lot about so many technical sort of things and it all made sense from a combination of things I'd learnt from Outdoor ed, enviro, and biology which was awesome. After we went there the 1/2 enviro kids had to go do some sort of research for their next sac and we got to go to the beach. it was very windy, and it turns out I don't run away fast enough to get away from waves. My shoes were slightly damp. There were a couple of birds trying to fly against the wind which was very funny to watch.

I also had my fish excursion today which was seriously awesome. We went to Melbourne Polytechnic first and had a look at their aquaculture setup, then got a talk about ways of getting into the aquaculture industry and jobs that exist there, then we watched a documentary about some of the seriously cool marine life that exists in port phillip bay. We learnt a bit about algae - they can do everything Then we got to anaesthetise a couple of Murray cod. Then we got a tour of aquarium industries and saw some crazy looking fish
Was a very cool day.
I regret not doing outdoor ed, it sounds like a ton of fun going on all the camps and what not. From what i've heard at least ;D.

Keen to read updates on everything :).
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Check out my VCE journey


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2018, 06:57:46 pm »
I don't like Thursdays. Thursday's are the only day when I actually have class every period. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday i have a private study and Wednesday and Friday I finish early. I also have a meeting at lunchtime on Thursdays so they're very tiring.

Raging about Enviro
I got my Enviro SAC back on Tuesday and we went through it in class today. Have I mentioned that I hate my teacher? So there was that question which I think I already mentioned which was about the beneficial and harmful effects of light pollution on the spheres of the Earth. I got 4 out of the 8 parts of it correct so 2/4 marks, which, like, whatever, I don't care but my teacher's suggested answers are so annoying I can't think of a worse description without swearing hahaha

So all the information we had in our textbook that related to it was a definition of each sphere and our teacher didn't give us any other information or mention it at all because he was too busy telling us how much he hates Agapanthus. Seriously he's told us 3 times and I've only got 80% attendance.

So anyway his suggested answers didn't even really relate to the sphere. Unless I don't really understand what the spheres are supposed to mean (BECAUSE YA KNOW, HE HASN'T TAUGHT IT)
Atmosphere, beneficial: He said that the light would mean that planes don't hit buildings. But I was under the impression that life stuff can only go in biosphere, because the definition of atmosphere is 'the gaseous envelope of air surrounding earth'. So I assumed that the beneficial thing would have to actually effect that gaseous envelope, but no, it seems he's okay with anything so long as it happens in the atmosphere......

or not. Because then we get to harmful effects on the hydrosphere and he says that the correct answer was something about how the excess light would cause algae blooms which would damage water quality 'because it's the hydrosphere it has to be something that affects the water'. YEAH COS A PLANE HITTING A BUILDING AFFECTS THE ATMOSPHERE!??

But oh wait maybe it does because one of the options for beneficial effects on the hydrosphere was that boats could see where they're going.

But nope it doesn't because the options for harmful effects on the lithosphere were
1. The light will disrupt decay processes because it will kill bacteria that need dark.
2. People will be outside more and therefore cause more erosion


Okay so I mean I did know that, but it's not in our textbook and he didn't teach us that (BECAUSE HE WAS TOO BUSY TALKING ABOUT AGAPANTHUS) so how tf did he expect us to know it, and how tf were we supposed to know that that's what he wanted us to include.

Oh and just to make it worse the correct answer for beneficial effects on the lithosphere was there are none. Seriously?? He did suggest that we could have written improved soil quality due to bacteria that need light working for longer due to it being light for longer but
1. That contradicts the point above

Also one of the multichoice questions was a true/false that asked about the user-pays principle. The questions says what it is and then says 'In order to achieve this, the cost is shared by all the user or a community equally'. I picked true, the answer was false because 'the cost is shared by users'. I had to go back and reread the questions. That's what is says right?? I don't really get why its false, it's bad wording. I think what he meant was the cost is shared depending on how much of the thing is used by each person whereas the question says equally but like I interpret that questions to mean the users pay for it, which is correct.

So annnyyway

Public holiday Monday, Outdoor Ed SAC Tuesday, GAT Wednesday, English SAC thursday and monday, math SAC the week after that, and I don't know if we have another Enviro SAC this term. He said we were going to do our poster at the end of this term but I haven't heard anything.

I've been working lots, and not sleeping much lately. I woke up when my alarms (it took several) went off this morning but then I went back to sleep and slept in until 7:30 so then I was half an hour late for school, and my first class was English where we were doing a practice SAC. I still haven't written an entire Medea Essay and our SAC is next week :(

Math is annoying because my teacher spends half the lesson talking, and I'm still really behind so it's useless to me, and I can't learn maths from someone trying to explain it anyway, I have to actually try a question to see how it all fits together.

Today was a really bad day, like everything went wrong. and some things happened that brought up stupid bad memories and angstyness that I can't post on here

Oh and my English teacher brought her dog into school yesterday. She's a spoodle and is very cute, but she kept running away from me and following my teacher around :'( I did get to throw her saliva-laden ball for her a few times though ;D

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, I like Fridays.

There's a few songs I want to post this week, so I'm going to cheat and post two here, given they're really just about today.

I regret not doing outdoor ed, it sounds like a ton of fun going on all the camps and what not. From what i've heard at least ;D.

Keen to read updates on everything :).

The camps are great fun, the lack of resources not so much. There's one textbook which is units 1-4 combined and that's pretty much it haha
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2018, 07:05:22 pm »
I don't like Thursdays. Thursday's are the only day when I actually have class every period. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday i have a private study and Wednesday and Friday I finish early. I also have a meeting at lunchtime on Thursdays so they're very tiring.

I can definitely relate to this especially back in the junior years (Now I have free periods often)... However you don't feel as much pressure as you do now.. Kinda miss the good old times tbh
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2018, 07:21:09 pm »
I can definitely relate to this especially back in the junior years (Now I have free periods often)... However you don't feel as much pressure as you do now.. Kinda miss the good old times tbh
I was very spoilt last year haha. I had two private studies (although one was supposed to be EngLang) so I always had at least one class off each day. I'm already very used to having Wednesday and Friday afternoons off, I get very salty when I have to stay until 3:30 on those days. I have English and math on thursdays which I have to really concentrate for, as well as Enviro which always gives me a headache. I wish I had outdoor ed because at least that's more fun.
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2018, 02:25:51 pm »
It’s been a bit of a weird week given we only had 3 days of school.

I had the first part of my outdoor ed SAC on Tuesday, it was supposed to be 2 questions, but it ended up being 3 which some people got annoyed about but the question was exactly the same as one from last years exam that he sent us and told us to look at on Sunday (but on a different article). I think it went okay but not brilliantly, he’s marked them and he said he was going to go through them with us today but guess what? He only went through one. (Déjà vu anyone? Most of us still haven’t gotten our results for our first SAC either ::)) The second part of that SAC is on Tuesday.

I also had the first lesson for my English Medea SAC, I didn’t do much except plan a bit because I don’t know the text very well, and basically haven’t memorised any quotes so I’m going to write it tonight and memorise it over the weekend and write it in our second lesson on Monday (yes I’m aware it’s a bad idea and that I can’t do it for the exam). Oh and I got my mark back for my media analysis SAC. I did above average! The average was 16/40 and I got 53% lol  :'(

I also have my second math SAC next week on Wednesday and Thursday. I got the results for my last SAC, they’re going to be moderated though so they’ll go up a little bit. The highest was 85% and the highest in my class was 76%. I got 66% so RIP me. It was kinda ridiculous though because another school wrote it and none of the teachers even read it properly beforehand because afterwards they realised that there was no way that we’d be able to answer some of the questions :( also apparently the majority of the lost marks was because people ran out of time and didn’t even attempt to answer them.

We had our rubbish fashion parade thing that we organised in fish today. The winner was someone who made a dress entirely out of plastic bags. It was really really good, she used multiple colours and it was entirely from plastic rubbish bags - even the thread she used to sew them together was strips of bags. There were some other really cool costumes - one of the assistant principles even made a dress out of chicken feed bags.

Also in fish we just got a heap of new fish, they cost us about $400 - if you tried to buy them from a pet shop it would cost about 1600. They’re all very small at the moment but we’ll end up with lots of cool looking fish soon ;D

Edit: Still haven’t got all the stuff I need for Nepal and I’m leaving next Sunday ;D :-\
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 02:38:47 pm by PhoenixxFire »
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2018, 04:18:29 pm »
Where in Nepal will you be?

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2018, 05:00:26 pm »
Where in Nepal will you be?
Quite a few places haha
Flying into Kathmandu then a 2 day hike in Helambu, then to Pokhara (and a giant zipline ;D) where we'll be for a weekish and then a 12 day annapurna sanctuary trek Which is going to kill me but at least the sights will be pretty
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2018, 04:54:36 pm »
Soo we had an English lesson on Thursday and got told that we’re doing our oral. I have to present mine period one on Wednesday of Week 3....that is, my first lesson back at school. I knew I was going to do badly in English but damn.

I don’t get to go on the zip line :'( They failed World Challenge’s safety assessment (apparently because they didn’t hand the paperwork in on time).

So anyway I’m leaving tonight. Kind of just in limbo at the moment - can’t really do anything because there isn’t enough time but there’s also too much time. I should probably actually pack my bag - it was packed but then I pulled it all apart again haha. It’s very full and very heavy. I also got a new camera lens and I love it. I might upload the picture I took of a random bird before I leave (after I pack my bag though).

So, I’ll see y’all in a month, I guess (except of course I’m going to be on here as soon as we find wifi haha - I’ll upload some photos or something if I can). Enjoy your holidays everyone ;D

2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2018, 05:15:57 pm »
So, I’ll see y’all in a month, I guess (except of course I’m going to be on here as soon as we find wifi haha - I’ll upload some photos or something if I can). Enjoy your holidays everyone ;D
We'll miss you, Phoenixx! Have fun! The biology thread'll be a lot quieter without you around.

recycled meme because we're all pretty incapable of expressing emotions
also while I'm here why not...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 05:24:47 pm by secretly_a_poet »
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They are not you. You do belong to yourself,
even when your thoughts don't.

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2018, 09:33:26 am »
Hope you have a fantastic time! :)

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2018, 03:39:09 pm »
Namaste! (That’s all the Nepalese I know lol...well and thanks, slow down, and go)

I’m currently on (in?) a bus on my way to Pokhara. It’s an 8 hour bus ride, but the bus is very comfy
I’m right at the back which was a deliberate choice so I didn’t have to sit next to anyone but I’m right next to the toilet and it stinks (just remembered I have a buff I can cover with nose with - it’s a bit sweaty though). This bus is supposed to have wifi but it doesn’t so I’m using my illicit sim - I’m so glad I brought it.

Thursday and Friday we went on our acclimatisation trek. It was about 14km each way and I reckon at least half of it was stairs - and my right knee gives out sometimes if I try and step up too high so that was *fun* it was mostly down yesterday, which was way easier but my calves are aching.

Mon-Fri next week we’re going to be at a remote school a little while from Pokhara helping to repair classrooms and whatnot. I don’t really know how I feel about the voluntourism in that, but at least World Challenge doesn’t work with orphanages anymore.

I’m really enjoying being in Nepal but I’m not enjoying the people I’m with. Almost all of them (and one of the teachers) are the type of person I would go out of my way to avoid if I had a choice. They’re so godamned privileged and they don’t even realise it, or they just refuse to acknowledge it. It feels like I’m back in primary school with all the popular kids trying to be popular by showing off their pretty clothes and brand name stuff and constantly demanding attention and it’s driving me a bit crazy.

Also one of the girls went to primary school with one of my (younger) friends that I knew from swimming and used to bully her and my friend would tell me about it at swimming and she was so upset by it and I can’t just ignore that. Especially given she’s the most annoying one here. Seriously picture a stereotypical popular kid and add a toddlers ‘me, me, me’ attitude and you’d have her personality.

Sorry for all the complaining, I need to get my frustration out somehow.

Anyway, happier things. Before our trek we went to the monkey temple (stairs!) and the garden of dreams which were both really awesome.
some photos

I haven’t really taken that many, I can’t really carry my camera around whilst walking with my pack, so I’m just going to steal other people’s photos when I get back

Sorry for turning my VCE journal into a travel diary - I actually have a paper diary because our teachers want us to write, but I don’t like writing by hand and this bus is way too bumpy.

Oh! I do actually have something VCE related to say - I got my outdoor ed results back for our first SAC and the first half of our second SAC - I got exactly 82% for both which is a bit weird but it’s way better than I was expecting so yay!

There’s way more things I want to say, but I can’t really seem to organise my thoughts well enough to write it down (and this bus isn’t helping) so I’ll probably post again at some point when I have time.
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2018, 06:07:37 pm »

No need to apologise about complaining - not only did your post not come across as complain-y but this is your space and sometimes in VCE there will be times where it's quite healthy to let that out. Also no need to complain about the "travel diary", I for one, and finding this very interesting and it IS part of your VCE experience.

Ouch 28 km of changing altitude is rough... I hope the views were great (when you weren't just focusing on trying not to fall & to keep going) , were you able to see many clouds and stuff?

Hopefully you can get some chances to have a bit of space & just breathe, being around that type of social environment can certainly get to be a bit much.

I'm glad that you got to see some really interesting and great places (especially after I remembered to click on the pictures to see them un-stretched ahaha)

Congrats on your outdoor ed results & I hope that you continue to find pockets of space and clarity :)


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2018, 04:06:17 am »
I’m bacckkkkk!

I don’t have anywhere near as much free time on this trip as I thought I would. We supposedly had a rest day today, but we slept in, ate breakfast, had a really long group chat, ate lunch, went to the world peace pagoda (and our bus stalled and got stuck so we had to walk the last 15min...), met our trek guide, went shopping for some last minute supplies (toilet paper!), had dinner, another meeting, packed our bags, and now it’s 10:30pm and it’s the first time today I’ve had more than a few minutes to myself. We also have to be packed and downstairs at 6am tomorrow but I’m on here instead lol.

The project we did was awesome. We repaired and painted two classrooms and painted a mural in another classroom. We also hired people to fix the toilets and bought material to increase the height of the wall.
One of the girls loved taking photos on my phone so I now have a heap of cute (and some blurry) photos

photos of kiddos and the rooms we painted

Tomorrow we’re starting our 12 day hike at Annapurna sanctuary. Apparently there’s a 250m long cable bridge that doesn’t have the supporting wires attatched so that will be *fun*. I’m worried about the whole less oxygen in the air thing because I know I’ll panic if I can’t breathe properly. It’s going to rain probably every day - part of our discussion today was about whether we should just use our savings to stay in tea houses every night - we decided to only stay in tea houses if sleeping in tents would be dangerous - WC will give us money for the tea houses if tents are too dangerous so it also means we won’t have to spend savings on it. I’m going to have a very wet couple of weeks though.

were you able to see many clouds and stuff?
We woke up in a cloud on Friday morning! It was so awesome, I’ll have to steal a photo from someone

Hopefully you can get some chances to have a bit of space & just breathe, being around that type of social environment can certainly get to be a bit much.
The teachers all know to give me space when I’m stressed now (they learnt that the hard way hahaha). They’ve basically given me permission for to just ignore everyone for a bit if I need to be alone, which is good but it’s been so hectic I still don’t really have much of a chance to just chill. To be honest, I thought I’d be feeling a lot worse than I am given how little privacy there is here, I haven’t been alone at all today, whereas at home I’m alone the majority of the time.

Everything else you said
That is reassuring, I’m really bad at judging when what I’m saying becomes annoying <3
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2018, 09:39:06 pm »
look at this cute puppy I can’t pat

We got back from the 12 day hike this morning, we had an amazing view of machapuchare and Annapurna south from machapuchare base camp, it got cloudy as we left for Annapurna base camp but it cleared up again.

Our guide says the view we got of the mountains in the morning was the best he’d seen during monsoon season.

Machapuchare (fish tail mountain)

Annapurna south (and the clouds rolling in)

Our guide, Karma, and me. The photo is in front of the Annapurna Base Camp sign but I’m not good enough at taking selfies to actually get it in the photo haha

I have other photos but not enough time or energy to upload them.

We’re going white water rafting tomorrow, but only for 2 hours because all the rainfall has made the the river run really fast - it was supposed to be 3-4 hours. I’ve never been white water rafting before and at the start of the trip our WC leader told us about a teacher who got trapped underwater and drowned and I really didn’t need to know about that haha

After that we’re going straight to Kathmandu we’re we’ll be for 3 nights. It’s only really one day though because we’ll get in late tomorrow and have to leave early for the airport. One full day for shopping though haha. I don’t really have much I want to buy - the whole group has got matching Annapurna base camp tshirts and I want to get one of the shirts that says ‘Nepali flat; little bit up, little bit down’ because when our guide says flat he does not mean that - seriously I think they just average it out, 100m up, 100m down - that’s flat. And I’m there like no, no that is definitely not flat - our guide laughed at me.

Also I managed to get a cold that has made the last couple of days a bit shit - at least we were going downhill and ‘flat’ not uphill.

And this morning I managed to break the toenail of the little toe on my left foot. I split it right across parallel to the nail bed and darn it hurts. At least we’re done with the hiking.
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
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