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Author Topic: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal  (Read 65054 times)

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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #165 on: December 24, 2018, 03:16:20 pm »
I've actually always had an interest in physio and up until around a year ago didn't really consider myself a chance for med. I looked into it and became interested, so I applied for the UMAT etc (although really didn't take it seriously enough... I definitely underestimated how intensely some people approach med entry.. I had no idea!!!). Anyways, I didn't get the UMAT needed for Monash med which would've been my top preference. This is just a personal choice, but I really didn't think I would be happy studying and then working interstate as I'm quite attached to and happy with the life I have here in Melb. Researching med entry exposed me to plenty of people who were more than happy to move far and wide to study (and then live), which is totally fine, but I realised that wouldn't be the best decision for me, and ultimately med wasn't some lifelong passion.. I was still really interested in physio, and I could study in my home city AND I would be qualified in 4 years.
So for now my plan is to do that, or at least pursue physio for a year and see where I stand. If I'm still wanting to do med I figured a 4 year physio degree before post grad med which will qualify me to work as a physio if I don't make it to med is much more practical, and linked to my interests, than a 3 year science/biomed/health science degree, despite the extra year.

Anyway, enough about me on your journal, it was really lovely to speak to you and I wish you all the best again! Keep us updated (:
Yes, I totally get you! It is a really hard decision to make. I know that earlier this year (a mere 11 months ago!) I hadn't even thought of studying interstate. When I began considering it, that was hard enough! So I can definitely understand that for some it just isn't what they want to do – especially if they have something else lined up at home! With that said, I really think physio will be great. Everyone I have talked to who is studying physio loves it. I hope it is everything you want and more!
Best of luck!

Thought I'd stop by the winning vic journal to offer you congratulations!!

We're lucky to have you,  and I hope this helps you realise how much we appreciate your contributions :)

Your honesty,  integrity,  capability & work ethic has inspired many; I hope you pause to acknowledge how positively your presence has been felt by the community :)
Thank you so much miniturtle! Everyone has been an amazing support (especially you) and it has made writing this journal a rewarding experience. Congratulations on MVP, you more than deserve it!

And thank you ATARNotes for the award! This truly is a fantastic community and I'm so happy to be a part of it. I can't wait to see what the AN team has in store for the future!

Thank you again so much for your kind words! And thank you all for reading <3
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 03:42:11 pm by sarangiya »
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #166 on: January 14, 2019, 12:45:10 am »
Happy New Year everyone!
I hope everyone had a lovely festive season. Congratulations to my lovely class of 2018 and my absolute best wishes and encouragement to the next class of 2019!
This will be the last post on my VCE Journey Journal. I can't believe how much fun I have had writing. I've had even more fun reading! Thank you to all of you who followed my year, especially those who became dear friends. It has really been an amazing experience.

Term 1
I was off to a rating start. Many were surprised at just how far ahead I was trying to work. I used an app called 'Asana’ (didn't mention that at the time) to try and take notes for a whole chapter per week.
I got 4th in the class for a differentiation test in methods! Who woulda thunk I got 24 in the end lmfao.
I began doing UMAT practice exams - albeit only a couple - this early on! Who woulda thunk I didn't even get 50/50/50 lmfao.
I had swimming carnival, athletics carnival and retreat - all of which I attended and participated in.
I tried to predict exam dates and bought tickets to Japan!
I noted how little really happened in Term 1 (haha).
During the holidays, I did basically nothing. I got MOTM on ATARNotes :)

Term 2
I did a LOT of complaining about SACs, and continued to pull sickies. I also started watching a drama I loved (what a mistake). In the end, the drama took a twist and it is now remembered as one of the most disappointing shows I've seen. Towards the end of the term I was even watching two dramas simultaneously lol.
I began to feel a bit desperate in hope for the term to end. My troubles with English Language emerge and I'm beginning to go downhill with methods.
My insecurity about choosing medicine surfaced. I battles with it for a long time. Through year 10 and 11, I did not tell anyone I wanted to do medicine because I was scared they'd criticise my decision. I slowly began to tell people my true desires to mixed reactions.
I went into theatre at my work placement for the first time and loved it. Still the best thing I did in 2018.
The GAT happened!
During the holidays, I had practice exams and yet again did basically nothing.

Term 3
The feared UMAT!! what a saga that was
I went to the Monash Open Day feeling very, very keen on going there. That was tough to deal with later on.
VTAC preferences! Was way too keen.
I reflected on the possibility of patients dying, became obsessed with another drama, and thought about the finality that studying our final area of studies brought.
Made the 100th post on my journal and looked back over my years of schooling in general.
I had my “worst week of the year”. In hindsight, it probably was, although not the worst day. That would come later, and I was none the wiser. On the other hand, though, I was flooded with beautiful, kind words of encouragement from the AN community. I also began to consider applying for medicine interstate, which turned about to be a very pivotal decision!
I had my 18th birthday and my final placement at work. Both good memories.

Term 4
First, I'm happy to announce I received an invitation for an interview at the University of New South Wales!
I am so fortunate, considering everything. Apparently there should be 150 rural interviewees and 51 given a place. That means that 1 in 3 will get a place. I'll have to be a very good little talker to somehow sneak my way into the top third.
My odds aren't very good. Though I was so excited to get an invitation I am being wary of not getting my hopes too high.
My closest interview location is in Albury-Wodonga. It will take me about 5 hours to get there, which will also be an ordeal. I did have a sneaky look on Tiger to see if I could nab some cheap flights but I don't think I can justify the price. Although, it would be nice to see the Kensington campus (and maybe have a weekend in Sydney or something!?)
We will just have to see.
“I think I can get above 99 (touch wood lol)” [[should have actually touched wood]]]]
I had my final practice exams and did very averagely on them. I began to go very downhill here. It's a miracle I got where I did tbh I was very, very stupid.
I went to the interview in Albury and told my interviewer I loved him.
I also got an interview at WSU but couldn't attend. I screwed up my application for Adelaide so nothing there. I was rejected by UTas in December.
Celebration Day and Graduation Dinner !
I completed my exams and went to Japan and Korea. I took a long hiatus.
I got my ATAR, which would be the worst day of the year. I carefully considered my options.

Play and Pause
Thursday the 10th rolls around. I had lazily noted in my calendar that UAC offers came out tomorrow - as easily forgotten about as it was remembered. For some reason, that night, I get out of bed and look for a 合格お守り (lucky charm for passing?) I had bought at 勝尾寺, a temple north of Osaka especially for 'winning’. I decided, being my slightly superstitious self, that I would hold it in my sleep.
I slept horribly. I kept waking up during the night, each time after a nightmare of seeing “no offers this round” over and over and over. I would check the time, clutch my charm harder and go back to sleep (about 4 times!)
Finally, my 7:30 alarm goes off. I refresh my emails and see from UAC: “Offer of admission” followed by “Congratulations” (sent at 2:21am tho!?)

You have received an offer to Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine - full time at UNSW (428000), start date 18 Feb 2019 (course type: CSP)

(Actually you got baited because later in the email it says I actually got a BMP place lol - not that I care!)

That's right!! Your girl actually somehow got into undergraduate medicine!!!! Nothing short of a miracle.
I guess the man I said “love you” to must have loved me back!

It took me a few days but I've organised flights, temporary accomodation for me and mum, long term accommodation for the whole year for me, and my enrolment! It was an extremely stressful and scary weekend but now only excitement remains.

I want to share with you this:
My UMAT was pretty average. I cried and mourned and thought the dream had ended. I ended up making a risky decision to broaden my horizons. My ATAR was not the best. I cried and mourned and again, thought the dream had ended.
The dream didn't end. I'm studying medicine at an amazing University, in Kensington nonetheless! (I thought I barely stood a chance for Port Mac!)
No matter what your dream is, how distant if feels, or what people tell you: go for it. You never know what may happen. Risky decisions that stem from a bump in the road may turn out to be a fantastic investment.
To the class of 2019: please go and chase your dreams. They're waiting for you somewhere.

Fast Forward
I have been to Sydney once. I was 14, and it was for 4 days. Now, I'll be living there for the best part of 6 whole years.

I'll struggle but hey, that's what made this journal interesting (ish).

If you want to read about it:
Sarangiya's 너무 사랑하는 Medical Journey Journal

THANK YOU for tackling this year with me.
Good luck to the Class of 2019!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 09:13:14 am by sarangiya »
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #167 on: January 14, 2019, 10:21:31 am »
I've loved reading your journal. Good luck for this year <3
2019 ATAR: 99.85

Selling: English [50] & Lit [48] essays! PM for details.


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #168 on: January 14, 2019, 01:55:13 pm »
Huge congrats!!! Glad to see everything worked out in the end. UNSW is a fantastic place to study medicine from what I’ve heard, and moving interstate is really exciting! Looking forward to reading about your med school journey in the future :)


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #169 on: January 14, 2019, 07:28:55 pm »
Hey Sarangiya
I just want to congatulate you on your AMAZING OFFER!! From reading your VCE journal I'm super happy that everything worked out in the end!!!


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #170 on: January 14, 2019, 08:07:10 pm »
OMG, massive congratulations!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! You went through so much this year, yet you stayed determined and now your dream came true. I knew you could do it ;D Best of luck for your journey as a medical student (and future doctor!!) and I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays

Can't wait to read your med school journey journal :D
VCE: (click the links below to view my guides)
2016: Methods [44], Psych [48]
2017: Bio [50], Eng Lang, Chem, Spec
ATAR: 99.75 | UMAT: 88th
2018-2022: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ Monash University

! No longer offering tutoring !


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #171 on: January 15, 2019, 03:47:48 pm »
I've only just seen this update. This is such good news - I actually got goosebumps reading your post!

Fantastic work, and really well deserved. Super happy for you. :)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #172 on: January 16, 2019, 09:25:21 pm »
I've loved reading your journal. Good luck for this year <3

Huge congrats!!! Glad to see everything worked out in the end. UNSW is a fantastic place to study medicine from what I’ve heard, and moving interstate is really exciting! Looking forward to reading about your med school journey in the future :)

Hey Sarangiya
I just want to congatulate you on your AMAZING OFFER!! From reading your VCE journal I'm super happy that everything worked out in the end!!!

OMG, massive congratulations!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! You went through so much this year, yet you stayed determined and now your dream came true. I knew you could do it ;D Best of luck for your journey as a medical student (and future doctor!!) and I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays

Can't wait to read your med school journey journal :D

I've only just seen this update. This is such good news - I actually got goosebumps reading your post!

Fantastic work, and really well deserved. Super happy for you. :)

Thank you so much guys!!! You're all so kind.
I've really enjoyed writing this and reading your lovely responses. It has truly made my year <3
I just wanted to congratulate everyone today for their VTAC offers! I hope everyone got what they wanted. If not, it's never too late so just keep trying. It'll all happen in the end :)
I also happened to get offers for: Doctor of Medicine (MD) (Provisional Entry for School-Leavers) program at The University of Queensland (CSP) and La Trobe University - Bendigo, Biomedical Science (Medical) which was guaranteed entry into the University of Melbourne Doctor of Medicine (Rural).
I have decided to stick with UNSW! :D

Congratulations again to everything and thank you guys all so much again !
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #173 on: September 22, 2020, 01:28:14 pm »
I know this is an old thread but it was so inspiring and engaging to read I lived vicariously through you. Good luck with medicine!
Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
VCE 2021 - ATAR 98.85
my vce journal!

offering tutoring for English Language 3&4;)