So I had my major artwork proposal this afternoon and it went amazingly! The teachers loved what I'd done so far and think that it really could develop into sometime really good. I think I will take on their advice and try to make it seem really good! I wonder what mark they're going to give me...
I have a double study tomorrow and am going to go to the art room to work on my major where my friends wont distract me.
I also had English, Engineering, Ancient and Math today. I was soooo not in it for sixth period math, I didn't know I would be so tired today. Whats going on? It seems that when I get through a day I am always so tired and go to bed early but am still tired. My mum thinks its because I'm low in iron (I haven't been eating much meat lately. Too expensive!).
In English we were doing past HSC questions in times (5 minutes, 7.5 minutes and 15 minutes) for short answer. The first part of the paper were fine but once we got to the 3 marker questions, the questions got really broad and I found it hard to answer them. I feel like I am so much better at doing essays and creative writing. Short answer boggles my mind. Plus this was period one right after role call so I don't really know what I was feeling. Tired? Yes.
As always Ancient is always interesting. My teacher is really interesting and I look forward to going to it every day. I find I am more of a oral learner and my ancient teacher does a lot of talking and I just absorb it. Only for this subject though...? For engineering our teacher talks a lot too and it's much harder to get the content. Maybe it's because I am genuinely interested in Ancient and only a little for engineering. See I'm even putting Ancient in capitals and engineering not.
All in all, today was not only tiring but pretty hard. I went to school at 8am to get my art stuff in the class and stayed till 4pm for my interview meaning I had to get picked up. It sucks not having my P's in year 12 but hopefully in the May/June/July period I will get them! I'm only turning 17 this month and I got my L's in May (Whoops!). I live in a country town so theirs only certain buses and certain times I can catch them. No trains here... (Although that would be really useful)
I don't know why but I felt like I did too much schoolwork on the weekend which tired me out or something. I feel like I should balance my time better but I dunno how. Help!
I should really go do my math homework now... Okay! Bye!