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Author Topic: whys' VCE journal  (Read 82854 times)

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2019, 09:56:24 am »
──────────────────── SUNDAY ────────────────────
Woah! It's been a month since I posted on atarnotes! Sorry for my unexplained absence  :(.
Things just got really really busy and I sort of forgot about all of this. Since I've been gone for so
long here's a little run down of what has happened so far and future stuff:
- Moved into my new house
- Went to the atarnotes lectures
- Finished my methods test, english assessment and chem test
- Have a psych sac in less than two weeks (time to study!)

Hopefully I won't leave this site for a loooooong period of time again. Anyways, I need to start my
sac-mode study that I've been procrastinating for so long. Oh - and I almost forgot: today is also
mothers day! One of the best days because I can cook whatever I want for mum and that's my
excuse to eat junk the whole day :). I'll be making cookies and cream cupcakes soon, so there's
that to look forward to. School-wise, everything is going pretty okay - I think I did well in all of my
tests so far. I don't remember if I mentioned this earlier but my secondary goal for the year is to
try ensure the average for my tests in each subject is over 90%. We're also doing organic chem
in chemistry now - one of my favourite topics. Methods is methods, always enjoyable. Same with
psych, food studies and bio. With english, I know I need to improve, but so far I'm not doing bad.

Sorry for the super erratic post - I know it's really messy as I've just thrown a random bunch of
stuff in here, but oh well. Hopefully I can post again soon with more interesting news.

─────────────────────12.05.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2019, 07:31:03 pm »
──────────────────── MONDAY ────────────────────
I have a psych sac in exactly a week oooo
Plus methods test coming up, english essay next week, food sac in 20 days, bio assignment due in
a month and chem research report due this friday. fun times ! ugh

sooo i'm basically busy revising, studying and dying over the workload lol. It's maneageable, but at
times it feels like a lot, mostly because all the tests are situated at around the same time (which no
one likes). no other current updates  :)

─────────────────────20.05.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2019, 01:45:18 pm »

psych sac tomorrow!!!!!!
my brain is literally going crazy eugh
plus methods test tomorrow and first english drafting lesson for creative response
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2019, 02:25:54 pm »

psych sac tomorrow!!!!!!
my brain is literally going crazy eugh
plus methods test tomorrow and first english drafting lesson for creative response

I believe in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you're prepared, just make sure to get a good nights sleep.
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2019, 02:13:34 pm »

psych sac tomorrow!!!!!!
my brain is literally going crazy eugh
plus methods test tomorrow and first english drafting lesson for creative response

Hope it all went, or is currently going, or goes well when it comes. Please update us when you can! :)

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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2019, 05:21:53 pm »
Hope it all went, or is currently going, or goes well when it comes. Please update us when you can! :)
Hmm.. there was a 2 mark question on the methods test that I know I lost a mark for, but other than that I think I should’ve gotten all the marks - it wasn’t difficult at all!! As of english, that went fine, I guess I was just super nervous for no reason about that. AND for psych, well that’s a whole other story :).

Basically, we had 50 minutes for 50 marks, and although there were 20 multiple choicE questions, they were harder than expected and therefore took more time. Soo basically it was very time consuming and I had less than a minute to check my answers, so I barely got to. I think I lost a mark for a multiple choice question and another mark for not explicitly stating an example. Other than that, it was okay. I’m really upset about psych because I wanted to get 100% on this sac haha, but what’s done is done so now i’m eagerly awaiting test scores from my subjects.
I believe in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you're prepared, just make sure to get a good nights sleep.
Thank you!! And yes, I did get a good nights sleep haha.
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2019, 10:05:13 pm »
This is just a lil update to mention that YES exam timetables came out a little while ago, and although I'm not in year 12 yet, its got me stressing  :(
I realise that this is probably nothing compared to those completing more 3/4's, but I guess this has just made me realise how quickly this year has progressed and we barely have a semester to go before exams. Psych is on the 31st of October (halloween!) and food is on the 11th of November. I'm grateful that they're 11 days apart, as it gives me a bit of time to relax and perhaps study a bit for the food exam. As of now, I'm just a massive bundle of nervousness and will continue to be a massive bundle of nervousness until exams probably finish haha 8)

Yeahh today was a busy day and I feel sleepy. I started yawning when it was barely 7pm, so I guess I should sleep soon. I also have an annoying cold that has been there for like 2 weeks, and I'm willing it to somehow go away (I don't want to be sniffling in the middle of my sac next week; neither can I be bothered bringing a great handful of tissues to school everyday). I guess I should start taking an umbrella in my school bag so I don't have to walk in the rain. Early this week, I felt super relieved as I relaxed with the knowledge that I had no sacs or tests coming up. What a better way to surprise me than my psych teacher's smiling face as she said our sacs would be next week on wednesday; enjoying the dread written on our faces. Nah, I'm only kidding, she ain't that cruel, but we literally did our sac on monday and I don't feel mentally prepared for another sac already. PLUS chem test coming up (covalent bonding; intermolecular forces), bio assignment due, english creative response... I could go on foreverrrrrr. Oh wait - can't forget the upcoming methods test!
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2019, 04:09:40 pm »
──────────────────── WEDNESDAY ────────────────────
Today was pretty okay - by the end of the day my hand hurt though haha.
Third period we had our psych sac, which is basically a prac report write-up. We get 1 and a half
hours to write up the discussion and results, and the rest was handed in today before the sac. I only
wrote around 4 pages, but I still get another 30 minutes tomorrow to finish it off, as does everyone
else. My teacher decided to extend the time from an hour to 90 minutes because no one from the
other class finished haha - wouldn't be great if she had to mark a bunch of unfinished discussions.
The fourth and last period of the day today, I had my last drafting lesson for our english creative
response. I wrote my written explanation today - and it ended up going from good to worse. I started
off pretty well, then slowly began to care less and less until finally I didn't care at all, and I was just
writing to get it done. The rest of the day was pretty normal, up until now. I really want to experience
a day where I don't have the stress of any upcoming tests, sacs or assignment due dates burdening
me :(. I'd give anything for a bit of free time where I don't feel guilty for not studying. I guess it's
pretty close to the holidays anyway, though.

I have my food studies sac on tuesday, as well as my chem test + a ton of other things I can't be
stuffed typing up. Not to mention the GAT! I haven't dont any preperation for the GAT so far, and I
really need to. I think I'll go over some past papers this long weekend, which I can't wait for. It's
been ages since I've had a long weekend. It's a great way to catch up or get ahead in work and
make sure you've got everything done.

─────────────────────05.06.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2019, 08:14:00 pm »
Today was pretty okay - by the end of the day my hand hurt though haha.

Me too! I had my lit sac and my hand was aching by the end haha. And last year when I did psych, gosh the amount I had to write, especially when practice exam time rolled around, it was not good. Is this the poster you're doing? What's your topic on?

Ohh I feel you on that, I often start with motivation and a positive mindset and as the time goes on, I just write to get it over and done with. And every time I'm not studying, there's a niggling voice reminding me, even if I've done everything, the voice that echoes: you can always do more, do as much as you can now you wouldn't want to regret it later ....

I have lots to do over this weekend too! And I should take a look at some GAT papers, it's been at the back of my mind, but not a priority amidst the million sacs. I would've loved to do food studies!! What kind of things do you make?

Enjoying your journal, especially the layout!!


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2019, 12:13:39 pm »

Yeah, it was the poster sac. We were testing the three types of recall. It was really simple, just got the participants to study a list of words and get them to write them down after using a particular recall method. I guess there are benefits to doing an easy topic, but I wish we did something a tad more interesting. And practice exams - I think my hand will be dead before the exam even comes around. :(

The GAT... I wish we didn't have to do it. But I mean it's good to get it over and done with now anyway (not like we had a choice, but yknow). And about food studies - it's super fun. It's my 'relaxing' subject where I just go and chill. And you think it's hard at the start, until you really go through the content and realise everything is straightforward. But the thing is you can't afford to lose even one mark on the exam if you're aiming for a 50. I reckon there's a 50/50 split between actual theory and cooking. We cook a lot :). So far we've made lots, e.g. choux pastry (eclairs), noodles, curries, pasta, meat dishes, cakes, etc. We also have the best teacher. Apart from giving us chocolate and other stuff all the time, she was also a past VCAA assessor for food studies, so she knows what she's doing.

Thank you ;D
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2019, 07:43:26 pm »
──────────────────── SUNDAY ────────────────────
Ooh boy, I'm getting the results for my psych sac tomorrow! I've been paranoid about it ever since.
The highest mark was 43/50, and our teacher was a bit disappointed in us, considering the highest
score last sac only dropped a mark. She said people got below 50%, but that's not surprising if you
consider the highest mark is only 86%. So I'm super scared to get results back. I think I might also
be getting my sac scores for my food studies sac sometime this week as well. I'm not too concerned
that, considering I think I answered all the questions pretty okay. I think I might lose a mark due to
my noodles sticking together though (we had like ten minutes left so I just rolled the dough through
as fast as I could and chucked it into the pot so yeah rip). I also have my methods test tomorrow! I am
preparing for that right now. My friends who have already done the methods test said that it was super
hard, so I'm currently scared. The teacher who wrote the test also writes the 3/4 methods exams, and
is known for hard questions (he took 1 week to write one question for our test). It intrigues me the way
he thinks about maths questions - I hope one day I'll be able to think like him too. I've been compiling
my reference book and I'm trying to include as many questions as I can that I got wrong or had trouble
with. Methods is probably one of my most enjoyable subjects, and I hope I can really do well this test
despite how hard it is. I don't think I have any more updates, so that's all folks! Have a great night ;D

─────────────────────23.06.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2019, 04:48:38 pm »
──────────────────── THURSDAY ────────────────────
Alrightyyyyy where do I start... I've just wasted the entire school holidays so far, and I'm starting to
become super stressed about school. It's sort of just hit my how actually difficult it is to get into a
uni like Monash for under-grad medicine, or any uni for that matter. In less than 4 months I'll be
in an examination room, writing my VCE exams for two subjects that I hardly feel prepared for at
all. It feels like I know nothing. Not to mention all my other subjects too - I was supposed to post on
atarnotes' argument analysis club page and start practising for English but I forgot and now I'm not
sure if I can even do all my VCE subjects well anymore. I wanted to study really hard this holidays
and revise and get ahead. I have no idea how I was so optimistic at the start of the year when I used
to think I could get a 50 in both my 3/4 subjects this year. Little did I know how difficult it actually is.
I got my psych sac result back before term ended last week, and I ended up getting the highest mark.
It's not very comforting to know you lost 7 marks on it, no matter where you're ranked in the cohort. I
want to do super well in psych and I was aiming for a 50 but I don't think I can anymore. It's not like
I'm good at any of my other subjects either.

Medicine seems like such a far away goal I'll never be able to achieve no matter how hard I try.
You don't just need to get a 99+ atar, but you need a UCAT score that's amazing as well as smash
the interview to even be considered. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore and honestly I
feel so alone and lost. Everything seems too hard and I've wasted 6 days of my holidays playing
video games and sleeping and going out with friends that I haven't even studied at ALL. Like 0%
studying. I don't know where to start to improve and I feel like I'm just doing so bad and come exam
time I'll just end up failing. Call this catastrophic thinking (for those who do 3/4 psych, you'll get this)
but I know it's a very possible outcome. Holidays aren't supposed to be for playing around, they're
supposed to be for studying and I've done none of that. I have friends who have studied so much
this holidays and it makes me feel so guilty but I can't seem to sit down and get ahead in everything.
I don't know what's wrong with me but nothing seems possible right now and I don't know what I'm
doing and I think I've said that a billion times in this post and everything is just falling apart but I don't
want to fail and I want to do really well but I don't think I can and thank you for listening to my rant.

─────────────────────04.07.19 ────────────────────
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #42 on: July 04, 2019, 05:26:27 pm »
──────────────────── THURSDAY ────────────────────
Alrightyyyyy where do I start... I've just wasted the entire school holidays so far, and I'm starting to
become super stressed about school. It's sort of just hit my how actually difficult it is to get into a
uni like Monash for under-grad medicine, or any uni for that matter. In less than 4 months I'll be
in an examination room, writing my VCE exams for two subjects that I hardly feel prepared for at
all. It feels like I know nothing. Not to mention all my other subjects too - I was supposed to post on
atarnotes' argument analysis club page and start practising for English but I forgot and now I'm not
sure if I can even do all my VCE subjects well anymore. I wanted to study really hard this holidays
and revise and get ahead. I have no idea how I was so optimistic at the start of the year when I used
to think I could get a 50 in both my 3/4 subjects this year. Little did I know how difficult it actually is.
I got my psych sac result back before term ended last week, and I ended up getting the highest mark.
It's not very comforting to know you lost 7 marks on it, no matter where you're ranked in the cohort. I
want to do super well in psych and I was aiming for a 50 but I don't think I can anymore. It's not like
I'm good at any of my other subjects either.

─────────────────────04.07.19 ────────────────────
Really needed a reality check like this. School Holidays connotatively mean Extended Study. 100% feel you bud.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 06:12:08 pm by brothanathan »


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2019, 06:08:28 pm »
──────────────────── THURSDAY ────────────────────
Alrightyyyyy where do I start... I've just wasted the entire school holidays so far, and I'm starting to
become super stressed about school. It's sort of just hit my how actually difficult it is to get into a
uni like Monash for under-grad medicine, or any uni for that matter. In less than 4 months I'll be
in an examination room, writing my VCE exams for two subjects that I hardly feel prepared for at
all. It feels like I know nothing. Not to mention all my other subjects too - I was supposed to post on
atarnotes' argument analysis club page and start practising for English but I forgot and now I'm not
sure if I can even do all my VCE subjects well anymore. I wanted to study really hard this holidays
and revise and get ahead. I have no idea how I was so optimistic at the start of the year when I used
to think I could get a 50 in both my 3/4 subjects this year. Little did I know how difficult it actually is.
I got my psych sac result back before term ended last week, and I ended up getting the highest mark.
It's not very comforting to know you lost 7 marks on it, no matter where you're ranked in the cohort. I
want to do super well in psych and I was aiming for a 50 but I don't think I can anymore. It's not like
I'm good at any of my other subjects either.

Medicine seems like such a far away goal I'll never be able to achieve no matter how hard I try.
You don't just need to get a 99+ atar, but you need a UCAT score that's amazing as well as smash
the interview to even be considered. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore and honestly I
feel so alone and lost. Everything seems too hard and I've wasted 6 days of my holidays playing
video games and sleeping and going out with friends that I haven't even studied at ALL. Like 0%
studying. I don't know where to start to improve and I feel like I'm just doing so bad and come exam
time I'll just end up failing. Call this catastrophic thinking (for those who do 3/4 psych, you'll get this)
but I know it's a very possible outcome. Holidays aren't supposed to be for playing around, they're
supposed to be for studying and I've done none of that. I have friends who have studied so much
this holidays and it makes me feel so guilty but I can't seem to sit down and get ahead in everything.
I don't know what's wrong with me but nothing seems possible right now and I don't know what I'm
doing and I think I've said that a billion times in this post and everything is just falling apart but I don't
want to fail and I want to do really well but I don't think I can and thank you for listening to my rant.

─────────────────────04.07.19 ────────────────────
Hey whys!
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way but hopefully you can get out of it soon! I feel this a lot as well and it just makes me so depressed that I don't feel like doing anything.
I totally feel you when you say that nothing feels possible anymore. I got my Methods SAC back and it was so bad, I cried. It was a horrifying result. It was not the goal I was trying to achieve. Sometimes, I think that I won't even get above 40, as my goal is that raw 50.

You are doing so well in Psychology! A massive congratulations for getting the highest score in the cohort! ;D Your SAC ranking matters, not your score, so you have nothing to panic/worry/be sad about! It's an amazing achievement since you go to a selective school!

It IS okay have some rest in the holidays and it's completely fine to be hanging out with friends and just having fun. You need a break from all that hard work you did in the term so that you are refreshed and ready to tackle term 3! Holidays are like a refuelling station.

Ah, undergrad Medicine at Monash seems so faraway. But look, just focus on doing the best you can and believing in yourself, not giving up and getting back when you fall down. That's what matters and that's what will put you on the correct path to achieve your goals.

See you around.  :D


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2019, 12:16:25 pm »
Slowly getting on track! Finished all my homework, just a few more bits and pieces to go.
I'm also planning on spending more time on preparing for the UCAT - around a year to go before I do it myself! I've also decided to dedicate a certain number of hours per week just practising English by writing, planning essays, etc. as it is one of the most important subjects I don't want to neglect! Also starting to look at unit 3/4 chem stuff as we go along 1/2 to broaden my understanding and knowledge. That's pretty much it school-wise. I miss the snow though! We went last weekend and I had the best time skiing down the snow mountains haha. Skiing has to be one of my top ten hobbies of all time - it's amazing and almost feels like you're flying when you're. going super fast. Speaking of hobbies - I plan to draw today. It's pretty sad how nowadays I have to set aside time to draw and paint and animate, whereas in year 7 and 8 I'd literally be drawing 24/7. My maths book those days had more doodles than actual maths. I got a new Winsor and Newton ink bottle, so I'm super excited to use that as well. I can't wait for the summer holidays where I know for sure I'll be drawing a lot :D. If only it snowed in summer - I could go skiing too!
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