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Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:34:58 pm »
So this has been running through my mind for a little bit and I thought i'd start a discussion.

Firstly, I understand why women, and some men, wear make-up. They may have conditions or personal reasons for this.
What I want to know is why this (besides clinical reasons) has happened? Why do people feel the need to cover their natural skin? Why don't society accept people in their natural state?

I think it has a lot to do with marketing and developing social-norms. However, people I have talked to say they feel 'insecure' and 'isolated' when they aren't wearing make-up. This makes no sense to me, people shouldn't have to deal with that kind of pressure. I never fully understood why people are so judgmental and why putting a cream or coloured pigment onto your face can change that whole perspective. People should appreciate others for who they truly are.

Thoughts? (apologies if this topic is a little ridiculous)
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 10:00:17 pm »
I think it's basically social norms cultural factors.

Right now having a tanned skin tone is considered (generalising) more attractive and healthy looking than someone pale like a vampire. But if you go back a few hundred years, you'll see it was the exact opposite - Pale people/women were more attractive. Why? Because this indicated that they spent less time outside doing physical labour of sorts, and maybe belonged to a well endowed family, where work was done for them. I digress.

I think moreover it has less to do with people being judgemental and more with people's comfort levels. People want to look as attractive as they can, so they put make up on. People don't want to be that person who doesn't wear make up, whilst everyone else around them does.

In other instances, it's a job requirement to have some make up on. There are a variety of reasons. It is ironic however, that the people that are on the end of receiving judgement are the ones that apply a heavy amount of make up, whilst those (to my knowledge) who generally apply little to none don't receive any comments.

I think most people are fairly accepting of others in that manner. It's all up to the individual to be able to accept themselves.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 10:03:23 pm »
Before I start: I'm a girl.

Okay, so insecurities etc:
I suppose it really does depend on the person's choice. Watching the girls at my school who slather on so much bronzing powder and rim their eyes with eyeliner etc. is rather unsettling, however if they want to deal with a carrot coloured face and detention, okay, their prob, not mine.
Yes, it does have to do with marketing etc, but I think the main thing is just girls wanting to fit in by appearances (and it kinda gets the guys as well ;)
With the judgmental thing, well that's kinda self-explanatory. Chicks bitch (guys do it as well, but not as harshly as we do) which is kinda sad. I guess there's some degree of satisfaction in doing so...

Personally, I don't wear make-up because it takes too much time applying it: I only do it for parties/formals etc.
I really don't believe in getting up 20 mins earlier a day to make myself look I got 20 mins more sleep.

Nice picture, by the way :)
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 10:05:18 pm »
Why? Because this indicated that they spent less time outside doing physical labour of sorts, and maybe belonged to a well endowed family, where work was done for them. I digress.
That is a very good point! I never thought of it like that.

It is ironic however, that the people that are on the end of receiving judgement are the ones that apply a heavy amount of make up, whilst those (to my knowledge) who generally apply little to none don't receive any comments.
I've also noticed this quite a bit. I think this is where the insecurity comes into place, a lot of people I know that wear a lot of make up, for having received previous judgement that they, 'need to cover up their face', tend to apply more and more until finally being 'socially acceptable'. However once they get to this level of make-up, they receive more judgment for wearing too much. Where is the line? Some people can't win.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2013, 10:06:23 pm »
Because they make people look more attractive / pretty.

Basically to attract people's attention, no?

Plus, people do say you flaunt what you got.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2013, 10:13:06 pm »
Okay, so insecurities etc:
I suppose it really does depend on the person's choice. Watching the girls at my school who slather on so much bronzing powder and rim their eyes with eyeliner etc. is rather unsettling, however if they want to deal with a carrot coloured face and detention, okay, their prob, not mine.
Yes, it does have to do with marketing etc, but I think the main thing is just girls wanting to fit in by appearances (and it kinda gets the guys as well ;)
Two things that grabbed my attention.

-Exactly, it's their choice and that's fine. However, whether I think it's a wise choice is another thing. Is it worth hassle? personally, I think no.
-It's funny you mentioned that it gets the guys. That's definitely what i'm getting at with this whole 'sex appeal' and 'marketing' thing. We are being engulfed in a society full of sexual advertising which displays unrealistically attractive models applying make-up, and it becomes something that everyone wants to see in reality. Most of the time you can never find someone as attractive as a model on billboard, which is why I think women and men buy these products to try and recreate the image they see before them, even though it is clearly impossible.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 10:13:56 pm »
I personally don't wear a lot of makeup, just mascara for everyday wear, I can't stand the thought of making my skin any worse, when it plays up. However I love getting dressed up and applying makeup for good events. Personally I believe it's part of female insecruity, we feel the need to wear it to get noticed, which is ironic as most guys hate makeup, go figure haha
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2013, 10:14:23 pm »
Self confidence.

If there is a cosmetic that makes you look more pretty in your eyes, why not? It will help with your self confidence. Even if you are pretty enough without make up, if it makes you feel prettier, then it's really good :)

Only beef is when people have a COMPULSION to wear makeup to satisfy the whims of judgemental people, or the whims of people who put you down just because you don't look like some model.

Like, I think I look okay. Not amazing, but okay. Why do I go to the gym (apart from endorphins and health benefits and the fun)? Because it makes me look better, and therefore feel better about myself and have more confidence. :)
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2013, 10:44:10 pm »
it makes some chicks look better definetly and some actually look scary without.
Others just have naturally beautiful skin and don't need it, either way I don't mind make-up, at least it states that the girl cares about how she comes across, which I personally find important.

A better topic to discuss is why we guys aren't 'allowed' to


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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2013, 10:51:48 pm »
it makes some chicks look better definetly and some actually look scary without.

Some also look scary /with/ makeup, eg something I found randomly on google images:

And imo, just because YOU think "some actually look scary without" is not a good reason for pro-makeup.

I couldn't care less if women wore or didn't wear make-up, if they are happy, so be it.

Just my thoughts though.


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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2013, 10:55:20 pm »
Some also look scary /with/ makeup, eg something I found randomly on google images:

And imo, just because YOU think "some actually look scary without" is not a good reason for pro-makeup.

I couldn't care less if women wore or didn't wear make-up, if they are happy, so be it.

Just my thoughts though.

Holy crap does this look like a doll.

A better topic to discuss is why we guys aren't 'allowed' to

This one is quite simple, gender sterotypes. Not my opinion or anything but i do know of others that think that it makes guys very feminine and not "manly".
I know at my school when we had the school play/musical on others were always talking about how weird it was the guys had makeup on and that was in performance so imagine how much crap they would get if they wore it because they wanted to.

I for one dont care at all - if a guy wants to wear let them.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2013, 11:00:17 pm »

Like, I think I look okay. Not amazing, but okay. Why do I go to the gym (apart from endorphins and health benefits and the fun)? Because it makes me look better, and therefore feel better about myself and have more confidence. :)

Hahaha that's nice that you think you look okay! :)
Whereas I can't make up my mind as to whether I look okay or not...XD

But yeah, imo, once girls start using makeup, they will get used to that look. After they wash the make up off, they think they look...well a bit washed out/tired. So next time, they will put more make up on for a more dramatic touch...and the cycle continues until they look freaky without even knowing it.
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2013, 11:14:35 pm »

A better topic to discuss is why we guys aren't 'allowed' to
I think it's a matter of time before guys wearing make-up becomes normal and accepted. I know a lot of guys do already and most dudes care about hair, clothes and general appearance. Appearance is becoming a more important factor in this society. Like back when our parents were teens, there would have been less pressure for guys to look good, it would have been more about being 'manly'. Much more emphasis on appearance these days imo
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2013, 11:19:05 pm »
I think it's a matter of time before guys wearing make-up becomes normal and accepted. I know a lot of guys do already and most dudes care about hair, clothes and general appearance. Appearance is becoming a more important factor in this society. Like back when our parents were teens, there would have been less pressure for guys to look good, it would have been more about being 'manly'. Much more emphasis on appearance these days imo

Totally right here. I have some males friends who are swear sometimes seem to care more about how they look than i do. :P
Almost everything i girl can get I guy can these days eg. facials and all other beauty stuff. Its becoming more accepted and I think its very nice to see guys that actually care about what they are wearing - just saying it maybe nicer to look at, lol.  ;D :P
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Re: Make-up - Why is it so necessary?
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2013, 11:22:37 pm »
Didn't fully read all points of discussion but perhaps another reason for putting on make-up is a sort of cultural norm, not in the terms of magazines etc but in terms of adulthood.
Little girls see Mummy putting on make-up and they think "!, I want to do that too, Mummy is doing it", alas, "you're too young". Wearing make-up can be a physical representation of a growing sense of maturity/yearning for independence. (Not that make-up denotes maturity, just that it could make a girl feel less immature.)
Just food for thought.
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