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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2013, 08:08:40 pm »
Other than the superficial leadership struggle, what did the ALP do wrong in running the country in the last 6 years?



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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2013, 08:14:49 pm »
This is an extremely narrow view of the potential for super-high broadband and its economic impact. Honestly, this is like going back to the 1900s and saying a huge electric power grid is useless because you only use it to power a few lights and a kettle.

I have nothing more to add into this conversation, this is the reality.
Regardless how well one individual is equipped with knowledge.
In the end, it's that large portion of the population who will decide which government, and it's them who will decide "what's right or wrong". (The large portion that have no idea what they are doing. And have no idea what will happen.)
Liberal understand it, and used it well.

We will join our fellow developing countries like China or even North Korea in no time, good job guys !!

to simpak, thinking slow internet is just about taking more time to download a game/movie/etc? well, wait for 5 more years and you will see what it is really about. (Based on the assumption that you will not waste your life doing nothing constructive, no offense)

PS: I'm not a ALP supporter, just to make it clear.
I'm tutoring VCE physics~

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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2013, 08:15:06 pm »
The labor party was the worst fucking joke in the history of Australian politics. They could barely run themselves for 4 minutes let Alone run a country for 4 years. They received the lowest number of votes in 100 years which implies people who used to vote labor no longer have faith in their ability to run the country. (Which implies they instantly became idiots, homophobes, racists) Everyone's biggest concern is the fact that we won't have the NBN(usually listed first on most lists of what the evil liberals are ruining) and not that they're cutting funding from other areas. Not sure if that makes labor supporters selfish or short sighted. I bet half of the people who voted labor expect the sky to fall any minute.

Nice hyperbole. Got any facts to back that up?

Here are some of Labor's achievements, just off the top of my head by the way so there are many more that I've forgotten for the moment, which would suggest that they were somewhat capable of running a country:

1) Kept us out of a recession while most of the rest of the world was struggling. The IMF said multiple times that we were one of the strongest economies in the world. Various economists have praised the strength of our economy through the GFC. Wayne Swan was named the best Treasurer in the world. Tony Abbott himself said that he is optimistic about the economy, a day after his years of campaigning about how fucked we all are, the slimy little prick. You are frankly delusional and yes, idiotic, if you think Labor didn't play a very significant role in that. Big fucking deal, we have a comparatively small debt relative to our GDP and most economists would agree stimulus and spending is the best course of action in a recession.

2) Increasing the superannuation guarantee to 12% - which Tones wants to scrap. We have the best superannuation system in the world and he wants to tear all of that down. Go ask pensioners who didn't have superannuation how they're doing surviving on the Aged Pension. Spoiler alert: not well. We have several billions of $ (can't remember exact number) of superannuation savings which play a huge role in investing in infrastructure as well.

3) Banking reforms. Removing the exit fee so you can switch your mortgage to a better bank product without having to pay out the nose for it (along with other reforms like compulsory simple Product Disclosure Statements so that banks can't foist enormous booklets with over-complex wording to confuse you).

4) Investigating tax evasion by multinational corporations. I don't know about you but I'm pretty sick of massive companies like Apple paying $100k tax per year.

5) NDIS. You can bang on all you want about it being bipartisan but Labor was the one who instigated it.

6) Carbon pricing scheme, which a) reduced emissions (NB: we are the HIGHEST EMITTERS OF CARBON POLLUTION ON A PER CAPITA BASIS), b) included the Clean Energy Finance Corporation which was going to provide funding for research into green energies, and which dearest Tones is going to scrap now so have fun with more polluting industries!

7) Mining tax. In typical hypocritical fashion, the LNP has complained that it will discourage mining companies from investing in Australia because the tax is too high while also complaining that it's not raising enough revenue. Which one is it, Libtards? You can't have both. We will not be a resource economy forever, we need to move to a service economy, but in the meantime what the hell is so wrong about taxing companies for taking Australia's FINITE resources? And don't give me that bullshit about it impacting negatively on the economy, the IMF and most economists disagree and I think they know more than you do.

8 ) Corporate governance reforms. Directors and CEOs no longer get a free meal ticket to millions of dollars of bonuses per year while the company doesn't perform accordingly. Shareholders get far more power in getting rid of useless CEOs.

9) NBN, good luck competing in an increasingly technological world now.

I'd say more but I have to go out now. tl;dr put up some facts or shut up.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 08:17:20 pm by ninwa »
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2013, 08:17:15 pm »
The labor party was the worst fucking joke in the history of Australian politics. They could barely run themselves for 4 minutes let Alone run a country for 4 years. They received the lowest number of votes in 100 years which implies people who used to vote labor no longer have faith in their ability to run the country. (Which implies they instantly became idiots, homophobes, racists) Everyone's biggest concern is the fact that we won't have the NBN(usually listed first on most lists of what the evil liberals are ruining) and not that they're cutting funding from other areas. Not sure if that makes labor supporters selfish or short sighted. I bet half of the people who voted labor expect the sky to fall any minute.

1) The reason people voted Liberal this year was because they were desperate to get out of debt, and desperate people make stupid decisions. Remember how desperate Germany was during The Great Depression?
2) My biggest concern is not the NBN. The only reason I tell Liberal voters about it is because those unsympathetic people do not care about asylum seekers, so I have to find something that they do care about in order to convince them to vote Labor.
3) No, I don't expect the sky to fall. All I expect is a bunch of school/university teachers going on heaps of protests, an increase in homeless and unemployed people, an increase in deaths in all the countries around us which we failed to support, a lack of technology, a lack of support for gay people and disabled people and an unnecessarily high military budget. The country will be pretty bad, but it won't be the end of the world.

edit: Ninwa said it a lot better than I did.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 08:26:12 pm by Special At Specialist »
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2013, 08:32:34 pm »
Nina, Russ, Dan

Before you three insult me with your repertoire of insults for 'having a different opinion' to you(such professionalism) because you probably assume I voted liberal (without knowing the facts!!!) the only fact I need is that the majority of people in Australia thought Labor was doing a shit job(Shitty enough to vote for a shittier party). I didn't so fuck you. Look at Rudd and Labors approval ratings before the election and you can see that the majority of the people thought what I stated in my original post if Julia had still been party leader maybe ALP would have pulled a win out of the hat but it doesn't and it sucks.

I won't address your first point because I agree with it and it's not really something I should refute/comment on

2) My biggest concern is not the NBN. The only reason I tell Liberal voters about it is because those unsympathetic people do not care about asylum seekers, so I have to find something that they do care about in order to convince them to vote Labor.
You mean like when Rudd said no Asylum Seekers will ever settle in Australia and Labor worked out those deals with Malaysia and Papua New Guinea?

3) No, I don't expect the sky to fall. All I expect is a bunch of school/university teachers going on heaps of protests, an increase in homeless and unemployed people, an increase in deaths in all the countries around us which we failed to support, a lack of technology, a lack of support for gay people and disabled people and an unnecessarily high military budget. The country will be pretty bad, but it won't be the end of the world.
Unemployment rates rose under the ALP (probably because of the GFC but I thought KRudd prevented the GFC in Australia?) those other one's are all pretty shitty(but I didn't realise Abbott hated disabled people wtf?)
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2013, 08:47:21 pm »
Nina, Russ, Dan

Before you three insult me with your repertoire of insults for 'having a different opinion' to you(such professionalism) because you probably assume I voted liberal (without knowing the facts!!!) the only fact I need is that the majority of people in Australia thought Labor was doing a shit job(Shitty enough to vote for a shittier party). I didn't so fuck you. Look at Rudd and Labors approval ratings before the election and you can see that the majority of the people thought what I stated in my original post if Julia had still been party leader maybe ALP would have pulled a win out of the hat but it doesn't and it sucks.

I didn't insult you at all, I asked you to explain what you think the ALP have actually done wrong other than have squabble over the party leadership. It's cute to put words in my mouth though and call me unprofessional/tell me to go fuck myself. If you don't actually have a detailed explanation for why the ALP have apparently been unable to run the country, that's fine, but I wouldn't go around claiming that they're a joke of a party then. An ipso facto argument about how the majority of people wanted to vote them out hold absolutely no significance when you make claims like that.

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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2013, 08:54:25 pm »
I didn't insult you at all, I asked you to explain what you think the ALP have actually done wrong other than have squabble over the party leadership. It's cute to put words in my mouth though and call me unprofessional/tell me to go fuck myself. If you don't actually have a detailed explanation for why the ALP have apparently been unable to run the country, that's fine, but I wouldn't go around claiming that they're a joke of a party then. An ipso facto argument about how the majority of people wanted to vote them out hold absolutely no significance when you make claims like that.

Yep. I apologise to the 3 of you. I poorly worded my first post and was aggressive in my second towards people who don't deserve it (I acted like a real Tony Abbott) I'm going to leave this thread before I screw it up any more than I already have
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i actually almost wish i was a monash student.


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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2013, 09:32:42 pm »

People who are so sad that there will be no NBN are probably those who just want to be able to watch HD porn without it buffering.. Well sorry that you will have to be stuck with whatever quality you're on now..

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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2013, 09:38:10 pm »

People who are so sad that there will be no NBN are probably those who just want to be able to watch HD porn without it buffering.. Well sorry that you will have to be stuck with whatever quality you're on now..


There should be a constitutional guarantee for buffering-free HD porn.

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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2013, 11:06:19 pm »
My American friends are frequently surprised that I can't watch 5 pornos at 1080p all at the same time. All of them are counting butt pimples while I'm left counting pixels
It's really not that hard to quantify..., but I believe that being raped once is not as bad as being raped five times, even if the one rape was by a gang of people.


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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2013, 11:07:50 pm »
I'm more concerned about the internet filter...No more freebies and explicit videos, without opting out, which would undoubtedly raise suspicious.  :(
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2013, 11:10:51 pm »
I'm more concerned about the internet filter...No more freebies and explicit videos, without opting out, which would undoubtedly raise suspicious.  :(



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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2013, 11:11:52 pm »
I'm confused haha...So is it or isn't it coming out? :P
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2013, 11:14:25 pm »
Currently nope. According to the LNP, if any filter is introduced it will be opt-in rather than opt-out as previously stated.
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Re: I would like to say this to fellow Australians.
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2013, 11:15:42 pm »
Awesome!! :)

But with an above post...Are you saying they're not doing the NBN? I thought it was Tony Abott that was doing it faster than Kevin Rudd.
The GOAL: Attain a RAW study score of 40+ in all my subjects.

Courses I would like to study in order of preference include: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Biomedicine or Bachelor of Science.

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