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Author Topic: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018  (Read 43128 times)

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2018, 04:34:42 pm »
Ok, so it's Monday and I had Maths sixth period. I had engineering third.

Firstly I would like to comment on how rude my friend was today during engineering. We were talking about the awards for the presentation assembly next week and my friend said 'I might get consistency and effort again because I've been improving unlike some people." I swear she looked me right in the eye and laughed thinking that I took it as a joke. No. I didn't. She doesn't know how hard I've been working. I really wanted to go punch her up her gifted maths arse. Wasn't it obvious that I wasn't happy with my maths marks this year? Wasn't it obvious I've been struggling? Wasn't it obvious that every time I stepped into that maths class, I wanted to walk right out again?

Come to think of it, we used to talk about the problems we encountered while working questions out. We did this for year 10 and 11. This year it's like I don't even exist in maths and I sit right next to her! My other friend who sits on the other side of her gets all the attention and no one asks if I need help or if I'm having trouble. It's as if she thinks we're not on the same level anymore. It breaks my heart. I used to enjoy talking to her about the problems, putting our ideas into the problem to get it right. This helped.

So maths sixth, obviously I didn't want to be there but I knew I had to be there to work as hard as I could. When the bell rang I almost ran out of the room and onto my bus where I have multiple year 11 friends. I almost want to say "Fuck this" and "Fuck you" to maths. I used to get the concepts but I don't know whats happening. Maths has now become my most hated subject and I only do 2U! I look at some peoples results from half yearlies on this forum and they say they're disappointed with a 70. Oh god, you know how much I'd love one of those again. Yes, I know they want an atar in the 90s but to be perfectly honest with you, I'd love to be you.

It feels like the amount of work I'm putting into math is not coming out in my results. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of school and the bitching that comes with it all. I hate walking into some subjects and love walking into others as they offer relief but it's not enough. I feel like I need to sleep for eternity as well. That's literally the only thing I did on the weekend. I gave myself a weekend break knowing that if I pushed myself too hard I'd get worse towards the end.

Literally the only thing that has me happy is that I got 1st in Engineering Studies. I think reports come out this Friday so be ready to hear some of my better ranks!

Sorry for bitching and ranting, I hope everyone had a good weekend with their mums.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #76 on: May 19, 2018, 01:59:49 pm »
Sooo I got my report yesterday. EVERYTHING IS ALL GOOD. Except for the one subject we all know has been pissing me off since the day I got my Half yearly back. Here are my ranks for semester 1.

1/7 - Engineering Studies
1/18 - Visual arts
2/14 - Ancient history
3/71 - Studies of Religion 1U
13/63 - Advanced English (Super proud of myself for this one since at the end of year 11 I was 29/65)
?/29 - Mathematics (Super disappointed with this one. I did not come last which is a good thing but I also didn't improve on last years. Not comfortable with sharing this one.)

All in all, I'd say its one of my best reports since the start of year 11 (Ignoring that math one) but I'm still super disappointed. I guess I'll have to work even harder for my next assessment and Trials. The pressure is on.

You know that friend I was talking about in my last post? Yesterday she was rubbing it in my face that she had come 7th in math. I could have done that last year but I didn't did I? I went for 7th to 10th in year 11 but I didn't rub it in. To be honest, I'd like to rub my other ranks in her face. One bad mark doesn't give her the right to put me down the way she does.

Anyway, Imma stop bitching about her because I know that I shouldn't (But am anyway cuz' I'm pissed). I think I just need time.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2018, 04:16:22 pm »
Hi everyone! Long time no see!

Short update today, I've been mulling over my Adv English speech question today and trying to interpret the question raking in some themes from the Yeats poems. I think I need to ask my teacher some questions about it on Monday and hopefully start it the period after English. Wish me luck!

Art is going well. I've almost finished covering my third sculpture. Half of our major is due for a progress mark in week 8 which is all good because my teacher expects 4 done for the due date, I've finished two! Halfway through number three. I have been coming home smelling like coffee due to what is getting put on the shell of my third sculpture XD

I received another engineering assessment which is due next term (All good!) about Aeronautical Engineering. We had to make a paper plane at trivia night last night and failed miserably.

We had presentation assembly yesterday and I got four awards, one for engineering, ancient, art and SOR 1U. I felt really proud of myself :)

We started probability in math and our teacher says oh its EASY and I'm like, I've been failing this topic for the last three years. But anyway, I've been revising it in the afternoons so I think all will be well. Parent teacher was last Monday and my math teacher said I would improve over the next two assessments.

Anyway, goodbye! Have a nice weekend.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #78 on: June 11, 2018, 05:17:30 pm »

So as you probably know, I am really busy. I have assessments for every subject except for maths atm but I bet I'll be getting it next week. So I'm all booked out until the end of term then I'm gonna have to study for trials like a lot more than I've been doing. I'll probably have my Ps by then so yay!

My major is going well. I have half finished my fourth piece and our next assessment for art is due not this week but the week after which is supposed to be atleast 30 hours of completed artwork which is half. I'm going to struggle to finish this one in over a week.  One of my sculptures took a whole term! The other was 3.5 weeks and then the other was around 2.5 weeks. I only started doing this one last week! My teacher says she wants 8 done for the due date and I'm like WHHAAAAT.

Anyway, I went away to Sydney for the long weekend and it was pretty good. I drove from home to Sydney and then again when we came home. OH THE HOURS! It was great. Genuinely excited to get my Ps soon though.

We went to EngFest in Bathurst which was kinda good. Pretty much our whole engineering class skipped school (Not really, our engineering teacher said he would like us to go. We didn't have Math or English that day so it was a good day to go.) It was pretty much a flashback to HPV (Human powered vehicle) excursion and our engineering excursion in Sydney at the start of the year. It was fun! Though, I had to get up early to go to my friends house cause she was driving us there.

Not much else had happened. Except that there's going to be a PJ day/casual clothes days and let me be honest with you, I've NEVER been a fan of casual clothes days and PJ days are even worse for me! I literally wanted to crawl under a rock. I don't want to go to school in Pj's. My friends went out to buy some today and I was like "I'm not wasting money on Pj's" like seriously. I don't have money as it is. I think I'm just going to wear some skinny jeans and a sloppy joe or a fluffy jumper that is comfortable but I don't want my year group to rally against me for not wearing full Pjs. In the morning, I don't want to get on a bus full of people I don't know in my Pjs. I know its a little thing and a little fun for year 12 but I'm not comfortable with it...

I finally finished my english speech after 6 drafts XD gah its finally OVER. Thank gosh.

Anyway, its a long update but life is tiring and I feel like I need to sleep for eternity. BYE
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #79 on: June 11, 2018, 05:21:35 pm »
Loving your journal Caitlyn ;D how many hours do you have left on your P's? Fingers crossed you have them by Trials so you can do a good old fashioned Maccas run after the last exam ;)

You sound like you are all over your work - Make sure you are resting! ;D


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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #80 on: June 12, 2018, 08:32:25 pm »
Loving your journal Caitlyn ;D how many hours do you have left on your P's? Fingers crossed you have them by Trials so you can do a good old fashioned Maccas run after the last exam ;)

You sound like you are all over your work - Make sure you are resting! ;D

Thaaannkk yoouuuu!

I have around 95 hours done, I need 9 more night and 16 more day. I'm hoping to do the course that our local PCYC provides which will give me 20 hrs day I think. I will probably do some driving instructor lessons so I can get my night hours quickly but all is well and I will definitely have it before trials in week 3 next term :)

Oh don't worry about me resting, I stay in bed to at least 11am on weekends. That long weekend was GLORIOUS!

I also got my fifth adv English task today. Its a hand-in essay which is OKAY but I don't want another assessment right before I am about to hand in my speech and do it. I'm doing it during period 4 which is during SOR which I'm not bummed about. WISH ME LUCK! I am actually shit house at speeches sooo it may not go well.

Anyway, I hope everything is going to be okay.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #81 on: June 13, 2018, 05:21:33 pm »

And to celebrate tomorrow my friend group is all going to the movies to watch Incredible's 2! I'm so excited!
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #82 on: June 19, 2018, 05:23:52 pm »

So 'half' my art major is due on Friday for an assessment and I am really stressed on getting everything together. I found out two weeks ago that my teacher wanted 8 sculptures done by the final due date and 4 for this Friday. At that point I only had three done. Now, a couple of days left to the due date and I messed my fourth one up and I still have to FINISH it!

On top of that, I have a maths and ancient test next Thursday. WHY ARE THEY ON THE SAME DAY! I also have to write an essay which I have thankfully started due on the same day. I think SOR opens next week as well. I better get studying!

I am also sick. I think its getting worse as well because I was boiling in a supposed freezing classroom and I kept coughing and sneezing. I hate having a cold especially when I need to get things done. It makes me feel so tired and sluggish. I was gonna get up at 6am this morning to do some more art but my alarm went off and I felt like shit so I set it to 7:15.

Wish me luck because the last few weeks of this term are gonna be stressful especially with trials approaching so soon! We only have 12-14 weeks of school left and its making me really emotional as well. Am I ready to leave the thing that I've kept coming back to for the past 13 years? WHO KNOWS! I will probably miss it though. I can't wait till November when it's truly done and we get to have our Grad Formal (Officially known as the Grad Ball. Not really a deb anymore. I'm not wearing white! BAHAHAHA Stuff the rules. It's a creamy browny pinky colour. Looks better in person)

Anyway. I wish everyone luck for the coming weeks and trials. DO NOT FEAR, THE END OF SCHOOL IS NEAR!
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #83 on: June 20, 2018, 02:00:52 pm »
So I successfully made it through 4 periods with my cold. In our double engineering I felt 10x worse so I ended up going home. As much as I'd hate to miss math, I couldn't concentrate what so ever. I kept feeling hot then cold.  I called it a day and went 'Staying at school will make me feel worse.'

So I'm going to get some sleep and take some medicine.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #84 on: June 20, 2018, 02:02:47 pm »
So I successfully made it through 4 periods with my cold. In our double engineering I felt 10x worse so I ended up going home. As much as I'd hate to miss math, I couldn't concentrate what so ever. I kept feeling hot then cold.  I called it a day and went 'Staying at school will make me feel worse.'

So I'm going to get some sleep and take some medicine.


Hey, that sucks. :( Hope you're feeling better really soon - sounds like a good decision to go home.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #85 on: June 26, 2018, 11:52:49 am »
So our whole class asked our Ancient teacher for an extension on our test with us submitting our essay on the original date but he said no. Of course he did. He found everyone stressing about it so he ended up calling us into a classroom at recess and telling us to stop stressing and that everything will be fine. Did I believe him? NO. I have a math test that exact morning. I'm going to die in that test let alone my ancient test. gah. I sent a draft essay to him today and I hope it's okay.

I'm stressing about my math test. We have probability, series + sequence and compound interest in it. I'm fine with series and compound interest but probability goes over my head. I've been trying so hard because I really want improve my ranking. WISH ME LUCK.

Also, my SOR assessment opens tomorrow. I'm planning on doing it on the weekend, studying for it on the saturday and doing it on the Sunday. SO FINGERS CROSSED IT'LL BE OKAY.

Anyway, I'm in a double study right now and I am TIRED. I set my alarm to 7:15 am so I didn't have time to have a shower which I'm fine with. Any extra sleep is needed. I can't help going to bed thinking about schoolwork these days. I CANT WAIT TILL ITS OVER. My art major is going well. I just need to put my head down and do it.

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #86 on: June 27, 2018, 08:39:50 pm »
This afternoon, I ADULTED. Wow. My parents pretty much forced me to book all my appointments, driving courses by myself and I was like WHHAAA.
I did it though. I have the PCYC course booked for the middle weekend of the holidays. I'm going to book a driving instructor for the next week and then hopefully I'LL HAVE ME P's!

Onto the present. I have a math and ancient test tomorrow and I am literally scared shitless. Mainly because I really want to improve my maths rank by a lot and I really want to keep my rank for Ancient. The guy I'm tying with in ancient was stressing about it when we were sitting in the art room. I'm literally just pissed that I have two assessments on the same day. I got the essay done yesterday. I stopped studying math at 7 because I'm SO DEAD. I could hardly keep my eyes open! So I stopped. I have time before ancient to study but math is straight after roll call.

Anyway, Imma go watch an episode of Game Of Thrones (Season 6 Ep 7) cause I feel like it. AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! Mwuahaha. I feel like I'm going a little crazy here... I think I need to rest...
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2018, 10:22:36 pm »
So I moved onto Game Of Thrones season 7. GOD ITS SO GOOD.

Anyway, back to something to do with school. I got both my Math and Art marks back and everything IS ALL GOOD. I got 32/35 for math which I'm extremely happy about. I'm hoping it will tug my rank back up a bit but I am so happy!

For art, I got 20/20 for 50% of my major (Pretty much more than that) and tied with another person who also got 20 but I'm still coming 1st in course. Yay for me. Happy with that one too but I just need to get my major done soon otherwise I'll be stressing over trials time.

I also got my Trials timetable. We start week 3 next term.

Monday - English Paper 1
Tuesday - English paper 2
Wednesday - Nothing
Thursday - Mathematics
Friday - Art and Ancient

Monday - SOR 1U
Tuesday - Nothing
Wednesday - Engineering
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing

Monday - nothing.

So I pretty much finish with 3 days off of school after I do my last exam. BUT I am not looking forward to having five exams in one week. Imma die now.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2018, 10:26:46 pm »
I forgot.There's also this HSC Mathematics/General 2 day in Bathurst the week before our trials start and I'm not sure if I wanna go because it's the week before trials. Our teachers not going and we have double maths that day too, meaning it'll be valuable learning time with our teacher like asking questions and getting help on topics and questions we don't know. I'm not sure. I'll just have to see what my math teacher says on monday.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #89 on: July 04, 2018, 09:38:01 am »
Hi everyone! Its week 10 term 3 and I'm almost to holidays. I'm a little excited for holidays to come because I need to catch up on some well needed sleep. Gah I'm so tired. I feel like my sleeping pattern is all over the place. I go to bed at 10:30 but I can't get to sleep until 11:30 and I know this is bad. I've set my alarms later in the morning to like 7:15 but I still need more sleep! Hopefully when I get my P's I will change that to a 7:30.

So an update on my art major! All is going well! I have completed 4 sculptures and two more are underway. I will hopefully have the two done before trials. My teacher wants 8 but I think I'll only get 7 done. I also need to think of a title which I'm having so much trouble with. My artwork is sort of nondescript where the audience can decide if its a plant or an animal. All of them have many elements that relate to both plant animal. For example, one has lino print scaling (Looks better than it sounds!) with a plant like 'head', another has aluminium can scales (I've kept the scales thing consistent) with a cool flowery looking thing. I might post a picture soon. 61 days till its due.

Anyway. I finished season 7 Game Of Thrones on the weekend. Yes, I may not have a life but IT WAS SO GOOD. Why do I have to wait till next year? I'll be an adult then. :O

I think I sort of have a plan for the holidays. It's gonna be all about PAST PAPERS! I still need to fit in time to do my major plus do past papers for all my other subjects. I need to complete my Rome notes and start my Caesar ones. I need to do my engineering and English assessment. I'm slightly concerned that I won't get enough time to study subjects but I'll try to even it out as best as possible!

I have english next period and we are doing "Brave New World". I think my related text is going to be GATTACA so hopefully that will go well. I am in a study now, I come to the art room because it's warmer and its so much quieter. I can even get up to do anything I want. I don't have a teacher yelling at me to do my work. It's so much more relaxing. Right now, I should be doing other things like schoolwork or my major but I'm so tired. Sometimes I take my studies to relax a little bit.

My parents are leaving my brother and I for a couple of days while they go off to help my Grandma move in. I have to study so I can't go and my brother has to work. Say hello to lots of pot noodles and mac 'n' cheese.

I'm going to stop writing now because I always write too much. I can't believe that I've had this journal since January. I don't think I've kept one this long... Good luck to everyone's last few days at school (if you've already finished... I'm jealous!)
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